(7) Plane and France

Start from the beginning

Yukina: How Vulgar.

Lisa: *whisper* Says the girl who won't stop saying "Taku~" when she sleeps.


Lisa: Two words. School.....Trip....

We land safely. We then get out of the plane. A woman waves her hand in the distance.

Woman: Are you Roselia?

Takumi: Yes, This is Roselia.

Woman: I'm glad you guys came. The other bands will be arriving later. Your the first one to arrive.

Takumi: oh? Is there a specific time?

Woman: No, you see today is only going to be used for settling you guys in.

Lisa: uwaahh, Too bad my English is terrible. You guys get what they are saying?

Ako: beats me.

Harvey: Glad to meet you Roselia, I am Harvey Leroy, I will be your assistant until the end of the band wars, If you have any troubles and/or Needs, please don't hesitate to tell me.

Lisa: Y-YES! Thank you! You..we..uh..Like!

Harvey: Don't worry, I speak Japanese too.

Lisa: Oh thank God, You should have said so sooner.

Harvey: hahaha, Sorry. Anyway, I need to take you to your Mansion now.

She calls someone on her phone and soon after a van comes to pick us up.

Harvey opens the door and we go in.

Lisa: woooow, France is amazing!!!

Rinko: ahh~ look at that ako, a cosplayer.

Ako: Hoooh~~

Sayo: I wonder if they have any good guitar stores here...hmmm...

Yukina: ...T-Taku?

Takumi: hm? Yuki-Nee?

She clings to my arm.

Yukina: *Blush* u-um...I didn't get enough sleep, can I rest my head on your shoulder?

Lisa: *whisper* Liar, you were sound asleep last night.

Yuki-Nee steps on Lisa-Nee's foot.


Takumi: *Blush* S-Sure! Y-Y-You can SLEEP ON MY SHOULDER!!

Yukina: *blush* T-Then...

She rests her head on my shoulder.

Yukina: *whisper* please take a picture.

Lisa: *whisper* Roger.


Takumi: what was that?

Yukina: Nothing.

Rinko: ...haoo...

Lisa: hm? Hehe, Rinko, are you Jealous? You wanna sleep on Taku's arm too?

Rinko: *Blush*N-No! I'm not Jealous!

Lisa: Oi, Taku, Rinko's kinda tired too. Can she take your other shoulder.

Takumi: *Blush* eh!? Uh, O-Okay.

Rinko: *Blush* T-Then..i-if you don't mind.

She rests her head on my shoulder.

D-Damn! She smells really nice. She's really soft too.

Yukina: ....mm...!

Yuki-Nee pinches ky knee.

Takumi: mmmm!

I try to hold my scream.

Rinko: *Taku is really warm...ahhh...I wanna hold on to him forever.*

Lisa: *blush* crap...I'm drooling here.

Sayo: ahhh~ Imai-san, c-c-can I have a turn too?

Lisa: wanna co-op him?

Ako: heh! What is wrong with you normies!? ......Can I have his lap?

Harvey: uwaah, aren't you mr.popular.

Takumi: H-Haha.

Yuki-Nee and Rinko are already fast asleep.

Harvey: Anyway your first opponent is Cuore di leone, They are a group who became popular in Italy. They first began playing a year ago, Don't underestimate them just because they are new.

Takumi: heeh? Welp. For now...I just wanna rest. Harvey do you have any of their songs? I would like to hear some of their works.

Harvey: sure thing.

She clicks her little remote and music started playing.

Takumi: ....hmm....

Harvey: ah...feel free to take a nap, I'll wake you when we arrive.

Takumi: *yawn* kaayyy...

The other members are busy doing their things. Lisa-Nee is watching 50 shades of Gilgamesh, Sayo is playing.....Candy crush? Ako is getting destroyed in her FGO rolls, Rinko and Yuki-Nee are sleeping...and also drooling on my shoulder.

Might...as...well...take a nap too.

I fall asleep.

Harvey: I have high hopes for you.

To be continued....

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