And the blonde didn't accept the; "I do trust Beca, I just don't trust that girl!" line from Chloe.

Turns out, Chloe wasn't just being a paranoid girlfriend. The girl had tried to seduce Beca again, thank God, Aubrey was there to witness it. And she, along with Emily and Fat Amy took care of Chloe's little problem.

Clearly, a violent friendship among the girls is building.

However, what Beca hated (and well, you can say she likes it too,) the most is… girls on their period. These were just one of those times that she thinks she's lucky to be born, differently. Beca thought that being born intersex isn't that bad, she doesn't get to feel what most girls feel when they're having their period.

Which, by the way, Beca, being born with a male organ down there didn't make any change in her relationship with Chloe. The redhead actually finds it 'pretty cool'. Beca couldn't be more glad that she met Chloe, the woman isn't only wonderful, she's more than understanding and open to these kind of things. She thought that Stacie and her friends were the only people who were cool about it and doesn't freak out about her condition, but, Beca was more than suprised when the bellas, including Chloe and Aubrey accepted her for who she is. Even though the girls were curious and kinds of want to see it, which always makes Chloe a little protective over her girlfriend.

Though they had found out about it when Chloe was teasing Beca hard in front of their friends, causing Beca to have a massive hard on that she has to take a lot of cold showers to calm herself down.

Going back, the hormonal change is driving Chloe insane which also drives Beca crazy.

She swears that if she hadn't got an inch of self control, she would've give in to a clingy and horny Chloe. Thankfully, she wasn't someone who's taking advantage of that. No, not with Chloe. She worships the ginger and loves her with all her might. And she's more than willing to wait for the right time.

"Babyyyyy." Chloe whines as she crumpled on her bed, clutching on her lower abdomen.

Beca stormed inside the room, worry in her eyes.

"Damn it, should we go to the hospital now?"

Chloe, despite the pain in her lower area, giggled. Beca has always been suggesting this every month every time Chloe gets a period cramps.

Beca was lucky that she wasn't feeling that kind of pain. But by the looks of it, she could tell how painful it was. She is frustrated that she couldn't do anything this time to ease Chloe's pain.

"I'm serious, Chlo." Beca deadpans as she sat beside Chloe. The redhead shook her head with a small smile.

"I just don't think that the hot compress is working anymore." Chloe answered as she winced in pain.

"What should we do?" Beca asked, laying her hand on top of Chloe's.

"I'm craving for ice cream. I heard that it helps." Chloe said, Beca raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"You're not saying that, so I would buy you an ice cream, are you? You know, the last time, Aubrey almost killed me when you got a sore throat." Beca reminded her.

Chloe smiled sheepishly upon remembering that. She wasn't able to sing for days and Aubrey was losing it. 

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