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The floor swayed under Peters feet, exhaustion sweeping over him as his heavy body fell into the bedside chair. The blue line peaking on the monitor letting him know his sister was still breathing, that she was alive.

A week. A week and he looked as exhausted and beaten as his sister did laying in that bed. The compound was different, a heavy cloud looming over them as they all prayed and waited for something to happen to y/n.

Natasha came to visit at the crack of dawn, sometimes staying in the cramped hospital room for days at a time. Peter and Natasha didn't utter a word while they were in there, their tear stained cheeks speaking enough words.

Tuesday at eleven forty five y/ns eyes cracked open for the first time, reveling the cold and sunken in bloodshot eyes. The brown iris standing out tremendously against the angry red orb.

"Y/n?" Peter murmured softly, grabbing the pale and dry hand of his sister.

Y/ns eyes snapped towards her hand, seeing Peters resting softly on top of it. The air coming in through the metal vent in the corner blew out air thick with tension.

Then y/n snapped.

Her body lurched forward, grabbing the IV and ripping it from her forearm, blood and fluids dripping down as y/n stabbed it into Peters bicep. The boy flinched and yelled in pain, holding his arm.

"Y/n!" Natasha panicked, pushing the girl down by her shoulders on the bed as she thrashed around.

Y/ns mind was foggy, harsh whispers and distorted voices fading in and out. The lights in the room blinding her so much her eyes watered.

"Y/n it's me. Baby it's Natasha." Natasha was panicked, her throat constricting as she swallowed back the lump forming in the back of her throat.

"What's going on?" Steve and Tony burst into the room, followed by Clint and Thor.

"She's freaking out. I don't know." Natasha rushed out as she used all her strength to hold down the writhing girl under her.

Tony rushed over to the machines, pressing a few buttons with fumbling fingers until sedative was injected into another IV.

It only took a few moments for y/ns body to succumb to the effects as she stopped fighting Natashas hold.

"There," Tony panted, "Hopefully when she wakes up she'll be okay."

"The symbiote do this?" Steve asked.

"Yeah... it did." Peter nodded gravely, still holding his injured arm.

"Come on, let's go get you fixed up now." Tony and Steve left with Peter, Clint and Thor lingering a few moments longer before leaving.

Natasha sighed deeply, letting her eyes linger on y/ns face before going back to the chair.


"Fuck..." y/n rasped, groaning at the sheer pain her body was feeling.

"You're awake, thank god." Nat sat up in the chair.

"What happened? Where's the symbiote?" Y/n sat up a little on the hospital bed.

"In the lab. Tony and Bruce want to study it before they destroy it. As for what happened... the sinister six attacked us at the tower. We managed to eliminate three of the members but the others escaped."

Y/n nodded, "I didn't- I didn't do... anything bad, did I?"

"It wasn't you who did anything, y/n. That thing was controlling you." Nat sighed heavily, pushing herself off the chair to get y/n some water.

"Great." Y/n mumbled sarcastically , falling back against the pillows, "So tell me what I did."


"Humor me." Y/n focused on the red head, reaching out for the aqua.

"Well you attacked me and Peter. Then when you woke up, you stabbed Peter with and IV." Natasha replied.

"Why didn't you take me out?" Y/n swallowed the water greedily.

"Because you were still in there y/n. What did you want me to kill you?" The ginger yelled slightly.

"Nobody would have blamed you if you did." Y/n mumbled into the cup.

Natasha huffed bitterly, clenching her jaw tightly her mouth began to hurt.

"I'm going to go get Peter."


I watched Nat leave the room, Bruce entering just a few seconds later.

"Hey kid." The scientist greeted as he shut the door behind him.

"Hey." I husked.

"I'm glad you're awake. It's been a little depressing around here."

I nodded, only half listening, "I bet with Clint's cooking."

Bruce chuckled lightly, rubbing his sweaty palms on his grey pants, "I need to tell you something and I know this probably isn't the best time."

"Just spit it out."

"Okay." Banner nodded licking his lips, "There's no way to ease into this other then to be blunt about it. Natasha and I kissed. She kissed me."

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