seven ☆ core four

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cam 🐨
i'm hanging
with the core
four squad.
what are you
doing? also,
Sofia says

marie 👼
ooh, best
squad. ahh,
tell her i said
hi, too. just
relaxing, watching
Disney movies

cam 🐨
will do.
you're such
a Disney nerd

marie 👼
says the
actual Disney
nerd of this
i mean, you
play the kid of
a villain, you're
one to talk

cam 🐨
yeah, yeah.
what're you

marie 👼
this is ironic.
but 101 Dalmatians

cam 🐨
miss me,
huh? 😏

marie 👼
oh, hush.
you watched
my movie two
days after you
saw me 👀😂

cam 🐨
yeah, okay,
you got me

marie 👼
haha 😂

Later on, Marie spent her day watching movies and chatting with her sister.

"You're really missing him, aren't you?" Grace asked her younger sister.

Marie nodded. "He's filming so we barely have time to talk or text so watching his movies or any Disney ones are a way that I'm able to feel close to him while he's busy."

Grace nodded in understanding as she hugged her sister. "What are we watching next?" She asked.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." Marie responded.

Grace grinned. "Sofia's movie."

Marie nudged her sister and smirked. "Looks like I'm not the only one missing someone from the VK's."

Grace's cheeks reddened. "Yeah, so? Sofia's gorgeous."

"I picked her movie just for you." Marie spoke up.

Grace sighed. "I can't tell mami and papi, though. They would either hate me or tell me that it's wrong."

Marie smiled softly. "I agree with them but you're still the same person who's been there for me since I was born; the same Grace I've known from birth until now. I love you."

"I love you, too, M. Thank you." Grace said in a whisper.

Marie smiled softly and hugged her older sister. "You're welcome."

After some time passed by, the two sisters watched an assortment of Disney films.

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