Chapter 18

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Izuku's POV~

"What?!" My mates and I all yelled at the same time. My mom flinched at the sudden noise. She turned to my mates, just now realizing they were actually in the room.

"Oh, are you friends of Izuku's?" She asked them politely. Before they could correct her, she kept talking. "I'm really sorry for barging in here, I guess you two are the ones who volunteered to take care of him? Well it won't be necessary, we're leaving tomorrow." She said with a small shrug and pleasant smile.

"What mom? You can't do that. I'm going to school here. I'm going to become a pro! I have a life, friends... mates." I trailed off at the end, looking over at the two boys standing next to me. My mom obviously didn't get the hint.

"I know sweety, but being a pro is just so dangerous! Besides, this school has failed to keep you safe twice in two days! Two day Izuku! You'll make new friends! You may even find your mates, but you won't know until you go look for them." She said, her voice gentle when she reached the topic of my mates, she knows how bad I've wanted to meet them since my marks first appeared.

My actual mates growled when she suggested finding someone in America. She shot them a glare for acting so rudely. "If this is how all the students here behave around adults, then I should have never let you come here in the first place!" She started to mumble about manners and elders and something else I didn't catch.

"Mom!" I said, while grabbing her wrists and finally catching her attention. "I don't need to go to America to find my mates, I already did." I said with a smile. Her expression mirrored mine while she jumped up and down clapping.

"Oh Izu that's so great! Where are they? I need to meet them!" She said while completely ignoring the angry alphas next to me. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Well um, they are?" I said, pointing to my mates. Neither of them were smiling, to far into protection mode to care about making a good impression on my mom, I can't blame them really.

"Oh, them?" She asked with slight distaste. If my mates noticed, they didn't show it. They're faces didn't change once. I gently grabbed their hands, giving them a squeezing, hoping it would help. Thankfully they relaxed a little bit. They weren't smiling, but they were less tense.

"Yes mom, them." I said, flashing them by biggest grin. Their tough exteriors cracked and they smiled back, pulling me in between them so they could wrap their arms around my waist like earlier.

"Fantastic, you got stuck with a couple of untrained dogs." She said with an eye roll. I gaped at her. My mother is the sweetest woman I know, she'd never say that about anyone, especially my own mates.

"Excuse me?" Kiri sneered. Not only did she insult him, but also his other mate. She really messed up. She's lucky I won't let them hurt her or else she'd be in serious trouble.

"Oh shush, I don't have time for this. Izuku sweety, You need to pack or you won't be able to bring any of this stuff with." She said, completely ignoring my mates again and motioning to the rest of my room.

My mates looked like they were ready to bite her head off. Before they could move I pulled them over to my door. "Just let me talk to her okay? This isn't like her and I don't know what's wrong. I'm sorry she was so awful to you, but I'll figure it out and we can all laugh about it later, I promise." I said holding out my pinky to them.

They both laughed when they saw my little finger. "What are we, five?" Kiri asked.

"Exactly!" I said with a goofy grin on my face. They both smiled back and attached their pinkies to mine. I kissed each of them on the cheek and then pushed them out my door. I closed it and leaned my back against the cool wood, still smiling.

"Oh good, they're gone." She said with a relieved smile. Mine dropped.

"What the heck mom? You can't just show up here, say we're moving to another country and then insult my mates!" I said heatedly throwing my arms in the air.

She sighed before speaking. "Honey, I don't expect you to understand, but we are moving, we have to. Don't you miss your father?" And that's where I'm lost. There's a reason he lives in America and we don't.

"Mom, dad was awful to us.You guys were always fighting and he only ever yelled at me." I said slowly. I have no idea what would make her even think that I'd want to see that man again. When he lived with us, they always fought and mom was always crying. It was awful. Nothing I ever did was good enough. He was always yelling. I don't want to go through that again and there's no way she does either.

"Aw baby, you were to young, you must be remembering it incorrectly. You're dad was great! Sure we had a few arguments, but everyone does, it's natural. I know you love him and miss him and I know he misses you to." It was almost like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

"But~" She cut me off before I could give anymore evidence.

"Izuku please! Don't argue with me. You're coming with... please... I need you with me." She was on the verge of tears. I don't know what's happening, but I can't stand when my mother cries. It hurts my heart to much.

"Fine..." I reluctantly agreed. She perked up a little bit. "But, I get to spend tonight here with my mates... saying... saying goodbye." I said, as it finally hit me that I was going to be leaving my mates for who knows how long. She nodded her head, showing that it was okay for me to stay the night. "And, I have to be able to talk to them over there. Daily texts, or I don't know if I'll survive." I was trying to hold in the tears, I had to be strong for her. She was more hesitant of this condition, but agreed after a few seconds.

Now I just have to say goodbye to the two people I've fallen in love with.

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