Day 11

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Dear Diary,
After training, I went to the park with Kaoru. Karin and Bob weren't there yet so we played with Katie for a little bit. We raced across the playground a couple of times before we had to stop to catch our breaths.

Then, Karin and Bob came. This time, we played freeze tag. I was it because I lost at Rock Paper Scissors. It was exhausting! But I think all the training is paying off because I can run more than them. I got Katie first, then Karin after she teased me by coming near me and running off, and then I caught Bob.

Bob was really easy to tag. The problem is that he's really smart and kept on becoming unfrozen by his teammates. Kaoru is the main unfreezer.

Kaoru!! Betrayed yet again! This will make your alliance all the more sweeter! I'll just wait patiently for your downfall as an ally to mom and my friends! My side is the better side!

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