Day 7

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Dear Diary,
Today is my martial arts lesson. It starts at 2pm on Thursdays. My teacher is Ms. Martial. My teachers always seem to have names that match their professions. What's up with that?

Anyway, she's teaching me to be patient and stuff. So, weight training and running exercises for my body to get used to being strong. I used the 5 pound weights that my teacher brought for me. She got them at the place where she works: Kung Fu Academy.

After I did the weight lifting and ran 1 like, I was exhausted! I wanted to drop on the ground and just lay there til it's time to help mom cook dinner. I didn't get to do that. No, instead, I had to do 20 push-ups! It took me 30 minutes to do them all! After I did them, Ms. Martial talked to my mom about my training today and left.

I still laid down on the ground from my push-ups. I stayed there until Kaoru dragged me back to the kitchen to help mom.

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