Part one....

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(11 years ago...)
Lilith was only 5 years old she had dark purple hair and violet eyes. She uses to live with her mother. Lilith's father left her mum when she was born. Her mother was a kind-hearted and hardworking woman they lived happily but of course, all good things come to an end...

Lilith's mother had died of cancer when she was 7. She was taken into foster care were a family adopted her but turned out to be abusive.

Every day was hell for her she had to clean the whole house she was like a slave...And if she did something wrong she would get beaten up for it.

When Lilith went to school the other kids would make fun of her calling her goth, freak or emo. At first, Lilith would only cry but as the days went by her sparkling violet eyes became duller....and duller.....and duller until there was nothing but emptiness in her eyes...

One day she snapped....she was only ten a girl picked on her, and Lilith punched her and kicked her onto the floor and continue to brutally beat her up while laughing like a psycho.

The girl cried and pleaded for mercy but Lilith showed NOTHING and continued to beat the girl up until she wasn't moving...

Blood was on Lilith's hand as she continued to laugh the teachers saw this and took the girl Lilith have beaten up in the hospital. As for Lilith, she was taken to a mental school for the psychotic...

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