Rants about crap I hate.

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New rant of mine!

You know what I hate?

The looks people give me when I take my little sister to the park.

The looks of disgust of me and pity of her.

I'm 16 and she's 5! That would have made me 11 when I supposedly had her!

Bitch I didn't get the blob til I was 12!

How was I meant to produce before then? I didn't even understand sex when I was 11!

Wanna know what else I hate? No? Too bad!

I hate how people treat gays.

The crud is your problem?

The bible may not say men can love each other, and women loving women,

But doesn't it also say to sacrifice 12 pigeons when on the blob?

I also hate the way some people talk to me.

I'm not an idiot, so don't explain it.

I don't have a disability, so don't speak slowly.

I'm not deaf, so don't speak like I'm not there.

I hate them TB kids.

Wearing their galaxy leggings and varsity jackets.

The only people who should be wearing varsity jackets are the jocks of American high school!

Then they complain about their parents not letting them go to a party.

They're like 12 and 13 year olds!

When I was 12, I was complaining when I lost my hair tie!

I hate cocky players.

What the heck is your problem?

Leading girls on only to break their hearts?

I can't wait for the day a player gets played, or gets rejected because he's a player!

I hate cake-face bitches.

Why so much make-up? It takes a whole roll of Kleenex wipes to take off!

You complain about finding a guy who won't hump and dump you.

You make yourselves easy!

Felt good to type my rants out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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