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It's really hard to think I'll never see her again.

When I was first told, it didn't register to me that she had died.

Then I went and saw her family, and it hurt so much to see her mum in pain as well as her dad.

Her little brother didn't know what was happening!

She was like a sister to me, who I loved more than anything.

She was my first friend when I moved to Melbourne, and I'll never forget that.

I remember when we were 9, we were at her house being retards.

I remember the new years eve party where we put ice down one of our friends shorts and shirt.

I remember watching the Disney channel and asking which Jonas brother you thought was the hottest. You said Joe, and I said Nick. No one ever likes Kevin was what we decided on!

I remember how much pink you used to have in your room! I'd gag at the sight of it each time.

I remember the first time we went on camp together! You got so pissed when I didn't get the top bunk next to you!

I remember graduation day when I stayed at your house after the after party. Didn't Kieran look hot that day?

We have so many memories that cannot be taken or replaced. We did so much together, and we will still continue to.

I'll keep you in my heart where you have always been, until the day I join you up in heaven.

I miss you more than anything. I love you more than life itself.

Rest in peace Zoe Lee Morgan. 13/11/95-6/6/12

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