Why are 1D and JB hated?

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Why do people hate on Justin Bieber and One Direction?

What have they ever done to make people detest them to such a high degree?

Is it the massive fan basis?

Is it the success?

Or is it jealousy?

Maybe it's because deep inside, people that hate o JB and 1D actually like them and their music, but they're ashamed.

There's no reason to be ashamed!

They're people that bring so much joy to our lives.

Justin has been around for 4 years and 1D have bern here for 2 so far.

The fans know thst one day they won't be this famous, but why can't the ugliness of such a criticizing society just let fans enjoy this small part of their lives without ruining things?!

All I want is to know why JB and 1D are hated, when they're just artists like other bands and artists you listen to.

Can anyone explain it?


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