Church Girl

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"GET UP"!!!
"I'm not repeating myself Christian, you will get left today"
These words we're repeated to me literally every Sunday. I was not a morning person and everyone knew this. 🙄
"Church again..UGHHH"
My thoughts exactly every week but was never bold enough to say. My dad being a minister and my mom being the psalmist of our church I had no other option but to get ready for church. "There's gotta be more to life then the same routine" As these thoughts crossed my mind I got up and got ready for Sunday's service. I always thought that by the time I turned 16 I would be able to choose if I wanted to go to church or not but I guess I fooled myself. I came to this point of my life where the only reason I went to church was for my friends and the festivities we would partake in after church. So as we are pulling in I get the familiar buzz coming through my phone "Where are you I saved a seat?" "I'm coming I woke up late again girl lol...pastor up yet"? "Nope get your ass in here it's some fine dudes here today" "HERE I COME"!! Literally the only thing that excited me about coming to church was the new faces of men I got to look at. Church is now coming to a end and I knew what time it was..."You texted the plug yet"? "Yeah we matching my bro in a minute"...If you we're wondering...YES, I am a pothead and weed is the only thing that is on my mind at the moment. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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Was Lost but He Found MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang