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Park Mina. You see, the regular people who got bullied, always tried to make their "punishment" or whatever you want to call it, more easy on them. They obeyed the orders they were given, stayed quiet, didn't snitch, etc. But not Park Mina. No, she was quite the opposite of the regular person bullied. She had pride. She was the most prideful person in the school, but why did she get bullied? Well nobody knew for sure. Only her and her bully, Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung was the typical bully, big, strong and deep voice. He had problems like any other person but never spoke of them. His group consisted of him and three more guys. Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin were the other "dogs".
But the story isn't about them, it about her. Her life and how that made her a better person.

The Devil Does Have A Name. -K.THWhere stories live. Discover now