Chapter 8: Glass

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(Y/n) spent weeks wondering where Ladybug was. Did she know about these people being experimented on? Did she know chat was here? Did she know anything?

When the scientists had him closer to the side of the tank where he can see out. (Y/n) spent alot of time eyeing Chat, feeling sorry for even wanting to leave his old life. He knows chat only tried to help.

A scientist stood inside of the glass cage, his big gloved hands pinning (y/n) onto the cold ground as another walked towoards him with this green serum inside of a syringe.

(Y/n) flinched as the syringe was pushed into his skin. Forcing it in sent chills through his body as he resisted the urge to pull away. He knew it wouldnt help, he knew it would just tear at his skin even more.

(Y/n)'s gaze stayed on chat, the boy thrashed around in his cage. The chains rattling as he desperatly tried to get out, glaring at the scientists around (y/n).

The green serum was injected into his body. The needle was removed from his arm. (Y/n) looked at the needle wide eyeed. He screamed loudly at the scientist. He thrashed underneath the him, resisting against his iron grip. It has to be an akuma that ladybug is having a hard time defeating, it has to be.

It cant be anyone sane.

"Please just be an ankuma." (Y/n) would whisper to himself. Wishing that the more he said it the more it would come true.

He knew the truth.

It wasn't an akuma causing this chaos and destruction, and (y/n) knew that. He just didnt want to face the cold reality that locked him inside of an even colder prison.

He knew that his father didnt even care where he was, he knew that resisting against the scientists wouldn't help him. He knew that nobody would be looking for him.

He didn't want to face the truth.

The cold hard truth that nobody knows about him, that he was just a kid that was never allowed to leave his house. He was just a kid that was tortured by his father, just a kid that was a crumb on this earth. A speck that could be swept away at any moment.

The blond in the other cage looked at (y/n) with pleading green eyes. He knew (y/n) was giving up. He sas how he didnt protest when the scientists came back in with another syringe.

Chat wanted to desperatly call out to the (h/c) haired boy that stopped fighting. He wanted to tell him that everything was fine, he wanted to tell him to not give up hope.

Those words chat hoped to desperatly tell the boy would never reach him. They would be stuck in the air, unable to reach his ears.

(Y/n) would always be in that glass cage. He would always see but never hear from that glass prison. He will never hear the caring voice of his prince, and he would never hear the pleas of Adrians as he yelled for the scientists to stop.

He was deaf to the world, the glass cage blocked out the tortured screams of the other "experiments" protecting him from the truth.

Adrien can see the akukmas every now and then, he would watch as they tried to get into (y/n)'s glass prison.

They allways turned to someone else with a much stronger emotion near by. Luckily Keeping the boy from being akumatized yet again.

He was protected by his prison of glass.

But it won't always be like that. One day he will be touched by the impure butterfly, and Adrian world be vulnerable. Unable to help the one he cared for most.

Adrian wouldn't be able to help and he knew that. He knew that even if he found a way out, how can he save him? The one he wanted to hold close? The one he wanted to protect from the world.

As Adrian hung their from his wrists, transforming and flinching. Twisting and turning, bone cracking and popping. He had too accept the fact that escape was nearly impossible.

He refused to acknowledge his failure, he knew there had to be a way out and Adrian was deternined to find a way where both he and (y/n) can get put alive.

(739 words)

{Sneaky Cat} Chat Noir X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now