Book 3 : The Twilight Game : Part 3 : My Old Past ?

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Author's Note : This Part is about when Carolyn was much smaller , before she can even remember anything ....... I will be posting The character list abit later as i want to tidy up all my story first ..... Please take note of this ..... :3 Thanks ..... :3 

 ----------------------------------------------------- 11 Years Ago ----------------------------

" Mother ? What are you doing ? " Caroline asked as our father was busy writing down the first demo for The Twilight Game . ( Carolyn did not remember any part of this anymore ) " Well , You children should be in bed already ..... " Our father chuckled as our mother brought us to bed .

She told us a bed time story , Alice In The Wonderland , but it was not like the normal version where Alice was innocent as she or he fell through the white rabbit hole and into her or his pretty Wonderland , when she or he  entered , it was a game for survival , only the strongest wins and the loser will lived in the wonderland forever as they will slowly forget about their past and they will be the lost fragments of the past , the only fairy tale part of this bed time story was that the ' Alice ' who survived this game will find her or his  true love and lived happily ever after ......................

" Mother , Why do the other ' Alice ' who is not as strong as the strongest ' Alice have to die ? " I asked curiously .

" The weaker will have to die as they will lose their rights to lived in this fairy tale as mummy want to let you know that in this world , nothing is perfect and that one day you both will have to make the hardest decision in your life and if i or your father is not there to protect you , you will continue to live on and choose your decision carefully as this will affect your future ....... " Mother said sadly as if she have predicated that she will leaved the world in a decade and one year's time .

" Goodnight my children ....... " She said to both of us .

" Goodnight ! " We both said in the same time , not knowing that our fate to destruction had started as we slowly entered our ' Wonderland ' for the first time .

" Caroline ? You there ? " I asked with a sacred tone in my voice .

" Yes , Carolyn , I am here .... " She sounded uncertain due to the weird surrounding we were in , we are not in our room anymore , we were in the woods and the silent sacred both of us as we were just 5 years old .

" Welcome ! Alices " A cat like figure greeted us with a big friendly grin to us ( Not like the ' first ' time how Cheshire Cat have greeted Carolyn ) .

" Who are you ? " We both asked at the same time .

" I am your tour guide , Cheshire Cat ! " He said friendly , putting his paw like hand to us so that we both can take turn to shake hand with him ( Cheshire Cat is in his human form )

We both shake his hands and he took us around the large and beautiful Wonderland . We met different ' People ' in Wonderland , there is The Mad Hatter and he seemed much friendlier then he greeted Carolyn when she was 16 years old and The Queen Of Hearts had invited us to a game , even through we had lost , he did not cut off our heads ...............

Very soon we both woke up from our ' Wonderland ' , We both did not know that it was the first demo of The Twilight Game which will take place 11 years from now . The Game which will attract a lot of attention as it's sole purpose was to eliminate one of the twin of the light household as The vampire's Slayers believe that twins being born on the same day was the sign of bad luck and one of them will cause the downfall of the clan so they do not want to take too much risk and that our destined were curse on the day that we were born and when our parents had made this Game , they were broken hearted as one of their children will have to die in their game .

They decided to work against the order of the clan as they had in store a system in the game to make sure that none of us , Carolyn Light or Caroline will die in their hands , and that is why they had died or was it ?

Author's Note : This Part will explain most of the gaps between arts of my story , hope it explain most of it ......

Carolyn :Oh but will Caroline , my sister helped to plan the murder of our parents ? ( With a confused look on her face )

Author' Note : I am not going to tell you , unless ........... You continue to act on with the storyline and also read on ...... ( With a smirking face as was thinking about what to do with Carolyn )

Carolyn : Please support my author's work or else she will really kill me or worst ..... ( Trying to get away from being cornered by BlueDawnMoon )

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