The trio approached the docks.
"Uma!" Mal bellowed. Uma was sat in the sand box with Harry Hook and Gil son of Gaston.
"Mal." Uma stood up Harry and Gil following suit. "I challenge you to an arm wrestle winner gets the isle." Mal smirked.
"Why would I challenge you for the isle when I already have it." Uma laughed.
"Because you don't." Mal took the sword from Jay and pointed it at Umas' throat. The trio of privates went for their swords only to realise Jay was holding Harry's and Gils. Jay also had Harry's hook.
"Hey give our swords back and hook!" Harry whined.
"Arm wrestle." Mal raised a brow with a smirk.
"Fine." Uma sighed. The arm wrestle was intense however Mal won. She pushed Uma to the floor into the sand box.
"You can keep the sand box Shrimpy!" Mal nodded towards the water and Jay dropped the swords and hook into the water.
"If you cross me you will be joining the coats." Mal threatened Carlos, Jay snatched the coats from the sniffling boy throwing them in the supposed shark infested water.

Mal headed straight home to tell her mom.
"Tell him if he even tries to contact her I will see to it he will never leave his worthless cave." Mal heard her mom snap.
"Mom, I did as you said." Just then one of the Jafar rushed in.
"What?" She snapped.
"Cruella is on a rampage and Hooks just smashed up my shop." He explained.
"What's it got to do with me?" She asked Mal noticed Jay had a fresh welt dripping with blood on his cheek.
"My son and Mal thought it would be a fun idea to throw her fur coats and Harry Hooks, Hook and swords in the water at the dock."
"You stupid little girl!" Maleficent struck Mal across the cheek.
"I'm sorry I tried." Mal apologised a few tears escaped.
"You will be sorry." Maleficent dragged her by the hair smashing the eight year olds head into a brick wall and she slammed the fridge on her fingers. "Your weak and pathetic like your father!" She spat in the daughters face. "Cause me issues again and you will be lucky to still have fingers."


Mal skipped school she went to sneak into her room only to find her mother minions cleaning it.
"She's a lot like him isn't she?" One gossiped.
"She has his good in her." The other added.
"It's going to keep getting her in trouble." The first added.
"I heard Hades has Dr.Facilier daughter, Celia as his errand rat." The second one commented. Mal put two and two together her father was Hades. She fled to Dr. Faciliers.

"What will it take for you to get me a meeting with Hades." She demanded.
"Bring me 5 gold necklaces, some bread that not stale and provide  my children protection and we have a deal." Mal nodded

she headed straight for Jafars shop he chased her out after she'd taken what she wanted. The necklaces, It took 3 hours for her to find a loaf of bread that was yet to turn stale. The next day she was meeting him.

"Ugh." A voice commented.
"Hi... Dad." She smiled sheepishly.
"What do you want child maintenance?" He scoffed.
"I want to come live with you."she added sheepishly.
"Not going to happen your mother would have my head on a platter."
"But I'm your daughter." She pleaded.
"So what? I've got other children. I was just married to your mother but the Evil Queen and Cruella were great fucks. I hear your the reason your sister was exiled."
"Don't you care about me?" Mal asked pleadingly.
"Why should I? I value my life." Mal shot off tears streaming down her face.
"Darling you see why I tried to protect you." Her mother stroaked Mals purple hair.
"I'm sorry." Mal looked down at her hands.
"You must learn to never trust men." With that a man came through her window she recognised him as her mother's lead minion.
"Mommy?" She asked scared.
" this is a permanent punishment it will happen unexpectedly each month." Maleficent left to the sound of her fourteen year old daughters screams.

"Please stop get off me!" Mal screamed as her clothes were ripped off. She squirmed under the weight tears streaming down her face as he forced himself into her. She screamed in pain.
"Do you like it?" He asked forcing into her harder.
"Please stop." She begged she looked out the window towards Auradon tears in her eyes.
"Please save me your meant to be the good guys." She whispered towards the window.


Mal had been throwing up for days. Her, Jay constantly had to hold her hair back. Evie would suggest all the things it could be and Carlos would have a few anti sickness pill she could take.

Mal and Evie were in the hideout with Carlos and Jay, who were lay sleep in the bean bag together. They were leaving for Auradon in a week and spent most the time hiding from their parents.
"Mal?" Evie got the girls attention.
"Yeah?" Mal hummed snapping out of deep thought.
"I think I know what wrong with you." Evie whispered.
"What?" Mal looked at the girl.
"Your being sick, I haven't seen you steal any pads or tampons in a couple of months, you look a little bigger." Evie bit her lip. "Could you be pregnant?" Evie asked Mal froze.
"I've got to go." Mal stood up leaving in a rush. Where would she go who should she tell. She followed the little girl inside her which lead her home.
"Mom?" Mal asked grabbing her attention.
"Yes."she turned to face the girl.
"I think I'm pregnant." Mal bit back tears.
"Well we can fix this ." Mal stood frozen. "Go wait in your room." Mal did as she was told.

Mal stood in front of her window looking at the kingdom.
"If mommy can pull this off that's where you will get to grow up." Mal whispered to her bump hand resting on her stomach. The door slammed open.
"Gaston?" Mal gasped her brow creased.
"Your mother orders." He explained before he beat the girl paying special attention to her stomach and uterus area. He beat the girl for an hour straight. Her mother entered and stabbed her in the uterus three times for good measure. Jay, Evie and Carlos has found her before she bleed to death. Evie sewn her up and Jay was ranting about how he was going to kill Gaston while Carlos was trying to clean up the blood and soothe Jay at the same time.
"Auradon was meant to be a fresh start where I could raise my child out of poverty." Mal sobbed.

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