"Look, Muneera, a whole lot of people knows who Francis Man is. His pictures are all over google, he has a total of five point three million followers on twitter, six million on instagram and is ranked amongst the top ten hottest Asian billionaires." I pause to catch my breath, "so yes, I know what he looks like."

I'm not liking the look on her heart shaped face, it's a little too mischievous and annoying. Her face is turning a slight shade of pink from imploding.

"What?" I snap.

Of course, she wastes no time in spilling.

"I was wrong. You're not in love with him," just when I'm about to release a sigh of relief, she carries on, "you're totally obsessed about him. You know virtually everything there is to know about him in the current news. You're, wait for it... A total fangirl!"

I step close to her in order to portray some form of intimidation to an extent, with my index finger pointed directly at her face, "I am not going to tolerate you calling me that degrading F word. And do not ever speak of this, again. Stay in your lane, Muneera. Got that yeah?"

She renders me an apologetic, tight lipped smile. But I could see through that façade, she's squirming inside about her silly ideas of my relationship with Fran.

After releasing an exhale, she budges, "fine, I will not talk about it."

I scan her face, even though I already know what's going on inside her annoying shallow mind. It was given away after her moment of hesitaton. Then I put my shades back on.



Muneera kept to her word until we reached Shanghai, and she's freaking out beside me throughout the car ride.

I'm the one whose home we just arrived. I'm the one who left a trail of memories that I'm going back to. I'm the one who has a former, maybe current enemy to return to. All under the same roof. And Muneera is the one showing extreme nervousness.

Thirty minutes into the ride, Muneera is done chewing on her chipped burgundy nails and scoots closer to me, ruining the little peaceful boundary we created. I roll my eyes at her intrusion and expect the whisper that definitely comes next.

"Sonia, can you hear me?" Her hot breath fans my ear in the most disturbing way possible.

I make use of the button that creates privacy between us and the chauffeur.

"Move, Nee. You're sucking up all my oxygen." I nudge her to shift away.

She does. "What's going to happen if you... Okay, wait, hypothetically speaking yeah? We get to the House, and you find out that Kimwhatever has been dating Dan--"

"It's Fran-cis, plus please don't make me feel worse than I already am when you're supposed to be holding my hand as a form of comfort." She places her soft palm on my hand and I retract, "I did not mean literally! Just don't say anything you think would make me feel all nauseous and uncomfortable."

"Do you think your family will like me, you know, being all dark half Indian and stuff?" She pouts, then shifts her plump, pink lips to the side a little bit. My chest warms up a little at her insecure frame.

This time, I hold one of her hands into both of mine. "They're not racists, and you need to stop letting the shadows of your past taunt you this way. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but you're very beautiful and I sort of fancy you a bit. Besides, you have a boyfriend who is kind of cute."

Shades of pink blossoms on her beautiful face, then I spot the moistness pooling in her eyes. Of course, only Muneera would get emotional over a few words of simple admiration.

Although, something isn't right here. And I feel there's a lot more going on than just mere appreciation.

This causes my brows to cave in a bit, "what's wrong?"

She pushes out her bottom lip in order to hold back her tears, but one of them slips out then rolls down her cheeks. "Calvin and I broke up last night. Actually I broke up with him because he's always holding back on me. He's never a hundred percent with me Sonia, and I'm starting to wonder if he truly loves me."

My heart clenches at her words. Since Muneera and Calvin got together, they've always had issues. And she'd lay it out on my shoulders, but one thing is also common: They always got back together somehow.

I don't know Calvin that much, but a guy does not give up one of his kidneys for a girl if there's no love. Or at least, a semblance of it.

"He did give you one of his kidneys, Nee." I tighten my hold on her hand.

She bobs her head up and down before sniffling, "he did give me one of his kidneys. It's because of him I'm able to pee freely."

We both laugh at that and I shake my head, "no. It's because of him you're able to live freely, breathe freely, love freely, quarrel freely. Come on, you know he loves you. If he doesn't then he almost does."

"You're right," she smiles at me warmly. I smile back at her with equal show of emotion. "I just hate it when he hides things from me, you know."

"Maybe he hides them because he knows they'd hurt you." I pat down a few straying strands of hair on her head. "You'd do the same in his shoes, correct? Now wipe this mess off of your face, we'd arrive our destination in five minutes."

"Thank you, Sonia." A grin spreads across her cheeks, "you should be like this often, really. You're always so cold, and you too, always hold back."

I shake my head persistently, "mm-mm, no. We're not going there. Now clean your eyes Muneera, you look slightly a mess."


Hi awesome ones!

First of all, thank you for diving into this, even tho' I totally warned you guys. Also, I hope it's good.

How are the two introductory characters so far? Who do you like more?

Please leave comments and also, vote. Love y'all!

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