Chapter 5: A Curse

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So I skipped some years because I'm fucking lazy and this was a last minute draft. I also skipped the fight of young Dio and Johnathan because you guys knew what happened. I really wanted to get done with this arc but I'm so slow at updating.

"Go Johnathan! You can do it!" you yelled

It was Johnathan's last year in his university and right now this was his last game of the year with Dio also playing with him. And you were there, watching from the bleachers and shouting with all your might. Maybe even after this your voice might break.

Sprinting with his might, Johnathan was heading forwards the goal when suddenly two people tackle him from behind.

"He's tackled from behind! But what's this? He's still standing tall!" the announcer shouts

But Johnathan wasn't going to be stopped as he forced his way reaching the goal. When out of nowhere, another tackles him putting down weight.

"Another tackle! That sure is a lot of weight they're putting!" the announcer shouts

Johnathan then throws it over to Dio who catches it sprinting all the way to the tryline and dodging the opponents.

"He flings it away and... gets caught by Dio Brando!" the announcer starts "Can he make it?"

Dio was almost there dodging with such speeds until he scored with you and crowd going wild.

"That's one hell of a pass JoJo!" Dio remarks

"That was an amazing dash there at the end, Dio!" Johnathan replies

"Jonathan!" you called out

"Ah, Y/N! Did you see what happened back there?" Johnathan asks

"Why of course! That was such an amazing play! You and Dio did a great job!" you smile "Let's go tell dad about it!"

"Sure will!" Johnathan agrees picking up his belongings


You were in your "father's" room hearing Johnathan and Dio  laugh about their game today. It was really nice seeing Johnathan happy rather than being gloomy. You figured that he let it go as time went by, but that wasn't the case.

But right now you were bored as hell. You weren't even finished with college, but here you are as a fresh graduate. You even started to wonder if you'd even go back to your family. Yes, it's true that they were boring since they were out on business trips a lot and you never saw them often.

[Hey guys. I'm sorry for this chapter is so fucking short. School and other problems are getting in the way so I can't update. So I bring you guys edit updates, I'll just post this chapter and when I come back I will edit it again to complete it. I'll try to get my device back after atleast the first semester. Plus this book will be on hiatus so I'm sorry. I know I have been inactive these past few weeks and it really sucks. So for now have a boring chapter that I've written with my shitty mind. Good bye an have an amazing day.]

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