Chapter 1: The Meeting

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It was a stormy night in the year 1868, a carriage just crashed on the side of a cliff almost over the edge. When two figures were on the scene of the accident,

"Found anything in the carriage?" asked the old man

"No, but there was a woman and a baby. Apparently, the woman di- W-What are you doing?!" the woman asked with a hint of fear in her voice

"What does it look like to you?!" the old man yelled whilst opening a suitcase to find a stone mask

"You're doing something illegal! What if someone finds us?!" shouted the lady

"Shut it! Keep you're voice down! Someone might hear u-" the old man scolded to which he was cut of by someone on the ground

"W-What's you're n-name?" asked the man who was half-alive

The man with the beard was shocked to see him still alive, but he had to hide the fact that he was a thief.

"M-My name is Dario Brando, Sir!" the old man stuttered

"How about my wife and my child?" asked the man

"The baby is still alive, but your wife has.. passed.." the lady with a hint of sadness in her voice

The man's face turned from worry to horror, he knew this would've happened to which he asked

"How must I repay you? You saved me and my child from danger."

The old man couldn't believe his ears, this was the perfect opportunity to rob this man to which he was cut of in thought to the man

"Here take my card, if you ever are in poor shape please go to this address." the man said

The old man took the card to which he was very grateful and he looked over to him

"Thank you, sir. You kindness is surely generous, but how may I address you?"the old man stated

"George Joestar, it's a pleasure to meet you." the man said with passion in his eyes.

Present Day

[Y/N] [L/N], you were an only child of a rich family. You were an 18 year old girl living in [country name] on summer vacation and really loved science. You have always idolised Dr. Harvey to which you would even try to mimic him when you were in sixth grade, but right now you took Chemistry in college.

Today, you're family decided to go to the beach in which you agreed. It was pretty hot in your place, plus you really wanted to make you're summer vacation livelier. You packed your things and did your everyday routine and had to wait outside for a full on hour waiting for your parents.

As you arrived, you quickly went straight for your room with no grudges. It was really a pain on running non-stop to the fifth floor but you were working on it. You finally arrived to your doorstep and dashed in whilst turning on the AC to cool down. A few hours went by while browsing on your phone,

"Ugh.. so bored." you groaned

You were very tired and just wanted to relax. A few hours in and you found yourself in dream world. Apparently, you've slept for almost half of the day and didn't go out since your parents weren't monitoring you. That's until your mom came in and tapped you on the the shoulder to go to the beach. You groggily got up and got dressed to go swimming. Outside the door, you heard your mom telling the so called 'bodyguard' to guard the room in case anything happens.

You got out and told your mom you were ready to which she nodded and walked leading the way. After a few minutes of walking, you quickly showered, placed some sunscreen, and ran into the ocean. You were happy that you could finally relax.

After some time, you got hungry and looked for a small shack to snack. To your surprise you found one and walked up to order some food. As you were walking back, you saw a middle-aged man that was harassing a child in an alleyway. To your surprise, your body moved on its own and started running towards them

"STAY AWAY FROM HER, YOU CREEP!" you yelled loud enough for them to hear

The man was startled and aimed for you instead of the girl. He quickly dashed towards you and hit you on your neck and blacked out. Next thing you know, you were in an unknown location.

You woke up from your sleep to see the man from before. He removed his mask to reveal his face.

"N-No.. it cant be.. D-DR. HARVEY?!"

[ Hello again! Sorry that this chapter is short I made this at like 1am and I'm really sleepy. Sorry if it's cringey, I just put out random words to make a scene. But anyways hope you enjoyed reading and I'll see u later! Buh bye!]

JoJourney [A JJBA FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now