* bell rings *

I woke up. Wow I slept through the whole Neptune's comet origin.

Free period...

"So your still following me."

"Yeah." Ethan said

"This doesn't seem boring to you?"

"It does just a little." Aiden said

"Then why didn't you stop?"

"I don't have a good reason to." Aiden said

"Ok, well do you mind."

"Mind what?" Ethan asked

"I have to you the ladies room."

"Ok."  They said

In the bathroom....

I don't really have you use the bathroom I felt a sharp pain shoot through my spine. I fell onto one knee and the palms where firmly on the floor my eyes turned purple. This is not happening I thought to myself. I looked toward the small rectangular window and it wasn't the comet. I don't know what is causing me to shift. I growled loudly. I don't know why I did it that. I could hear Ethan and Aiden trying to open the door.

"Emma we can't open the door there is wolfsbane on it." Ethan said

"Emma you have to open the door." Aiden said

I saw vapor enter through the window it was lupine. I couldn't breathe, all I could do is wheeze and vomit. I eventually passed out.

Ethan's P.O.V.

"I don't think she can open it cause the lock is on one side." I said

"Boys what's going on with my daughter?" Mr. Henderson

"The door is locked on one side and she is stuck inside." Aiden said as I smelled something.

"And lupine vapor."

"Okay I'm gonna find the janitor." Mr. Henderson said as he ran off

"What do we do?" Aiden said

"Go to the girl's bathroom window and make sure no ones in their." I said

"Ok." Aiden said

"I'm here." Mr. Henderson said as he put the key in the lock. He opened the door and Emma was gone. He started to get angry.

"We'll find her." I assured him.

Back to Emma's P.O.V.

I woke up and something already doesn't feel right. My chest was extremely tight and I was still gasping for air. I couldn't breathe. My eyes became teary and I could barely catch a breath. I try to calm myself down. I closed my eyes again. And focused on a thing at a time. I could breathe and I could see. I took off the blind fold and I was tied to a chair in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. I used what ever is left of my strength. I broke the handcuffs and as a result of that I cut my wrist and they started bleeding. It was 8:59 pm I got up and walked towards the door. I heard someone upstairs.
*hybrid hearing*

"She might be awake. I'm gonna go check on her."

Origins of: Emma H.Where stories live. Discover now