fourteen - felicity

Start from the beginning

"Don't you think he deserves to know?" Calum asked almost angrily as he got up and walked across the room, getting a little bit of privacy because no matter how mad he was at Felicity right then, he wouldn't say anything she didn't want him to. The other boys turned their attention back to their conversation but Michael still kept his ears perked, just in case.

"Actually, no." Felicity pulled at the head of one of the flowers in the pot beside her gently. "You guys need to water your flowers more often, honestly, these are fucking dead."

"Are you at our house?" Calum questioned confused. "Why're you there?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just used to running to you when shit hits the fan. And I guess I was also really angry and had the thought that I'd storm into Mikey's room and we'd both get naked."

"Ohmygod." Calum laughed loudly. "You thought you'd turn up and have angry sex with him?!" He leant against the wall as he clutched his stomach with his hand that wasn't holding his phone. "Are you serious, Felix?!"

"Hell fucking yeah, I need to get laid, seriously Cal, it's unreal."

"I don't want to know how horny you are, shut up!"

"Fuck off, you do." She grinned to herself. "You know you want to know exactly what I want some hunky fella to do to me, preferably Mikey."

"I'm on listening to this anymore!" Calum announced, pushing off of the wall and heading over to Michael, shoving the phone to his ear while she was still talking about all the inappropriate things she wants Michael to do to her.

"What the fuck?" Michael mumbled, instantly realising exactly what Felicity was talking about as Calum walked away, leaving Michael to hold the phone himself.

"Fuck, Mikey?" She asked, her whole body suddenly hot with embarrassment. "Wh-when did you get the phone?"

"About the time you started talking about sitting on some guys face." He responded and both Luke and Ashton joined in with Calum's laughter as Michael walked off, leaving the room, not caring how much the security told him not to. Luckily enough, the corridoor was empty. "Who are you talking about?"

"Oh honey, that's my little secret." She responded cooly.

"Hardly a secret that you want me to go down on you, babe." Michael smirked into the phone, not entirely sure why he was flirting with Felicity knowing full well that it wouldn't end well but fuck, she started it and he was certainly going to continue it if it meant a nice mental image for later that night.

"I guess I can't deny that." She responded quietly. "Your mouth's one of my favourite things about you."

"What're the other things?"

"Can't say without this going deeper than it should when I'm sat on your front porch and your neighbour is eyeing me suspiciously, I think he thinks I'm a squatter."

"Key under the flowerpot."

Felicity moved slowly to hide what she was doing from anyone that happened to walk past, just so no-one could find out where the boys hid their spare key, before getting up and unlocking the front door, locking it behind her.

"Wait, why did you just tell me that?" She asked, putting the key on the counter before heading up the stairs. "You know I can raid your room now."

"I've got nothing to hide." At this point, Felicity had just stepped into Michael's room.

"Fucking hell, do you not know how to tidy, fuck me , Clifford."

"I thought that's the point of this conversation?" He responded, leaning his back against the wall then sliding down until he was sat, legs spread in front of him.

"If only." She jumped onto his bed and let out a noise of satisfaction. "Your bed is really comfy."

"I know, I've only been gone a couple days and I miss it already."

"I don't blame you. You know, I might just move into your room until you return. My bed has really messed up springs."

"Mine's orthopedic, it was expensive but worth it."

"Mmh, feels it."

Neither spoke for a good few minutes, they didn't feel as if they needed to say anything, at least until Ashton walked out and said they were about to leave.

"I've got to go." Michael spoke softly.


"Yeah." They both sighed. "Maybe, we can do this again soon?"

"What, the beginning of what could've turned into phone sex and then silence?"

"Yeah." He chuckled. "But maybe we'll get past the beginning next time."

"There's always hope." She giggled. "Tell the others I said hi and we've got a track we want you all to sing on."

"Okay." Michael smiled. "Talk soon."

"Yeah, bye." Felicity hung up and dropped her phone to the space beside her before turning over and pushing her face into the pillow, inhaling Michael's lingering scent. "I miss you so fucking much."

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