22. contracts

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Jay takes us to a gated house that is pretty isolated from everything about forty-five minutes from the city. The closest house is probably a few miles from here. I wouldn't expect anything less from Dominick. I wonder if he bought it or if he's just renting it. Jay called it a "safe house" so Dominick probably owns it. There doesn't appear to be anyone outside but I'm sure his men are probably guarding it in the shadows with big guns. It reminds me of the Collins residence minus the criminals.

Jay parks outside and opens the door for me while Nick gets out from the other side.

"You still haven't told me what we're doing here," Nick says as we walk up the porch steps.

Jay gets in the car and drives off without saying another word. I turn to look at Nick, feeling exhausted with everything. I wish I could take this dress off and go to bed.

"Dominick wants to meet with you," I say slowly.

Nick frowns. "Does he know about the contract between you and me?"

"He knows about everything."

He clenches his jaw. "You mean to tell me that this whole time that I thought the secret was just between you, me, and Edward it was actually in the hands of a criminal?"

"He's not interested in ruining your life." I tell him. I want to explain to him that I wasn't the one to tell Dominick about the contract in an effort to defend myself but I know there's no point in doing that. He's mad at me as he should. He doesn't care about how Dominick found out. He just cares about the fact that he knows our secret and that gives Dominick power over him.

Nick looks at me for a moment and then he nods in realization. "He wants something."

I nod. "He's been working with someone in your company, Nick. He wouldn't tell me who but I think it's Angel. He's been-he's been using your company to clean his dirty money."

"Son of a bitch." He curses running his hand through his hair looking frustrated and angry at the same time. "How long have you known this?" He asks looking at me.

"Not until a couple of weeks ago."

"And why didn't you tell me?" He demands, angrily.

I look up at him, feeling ashamed. "I was afraid of what you would do. I didn't want you to fire me or keep me from the show."

He looks away in disbelief and I take a step towards him. "I'm so sorry, Nick. The last thing I wanted was for you or your company to be involved in this. I was stupid to believe that Dominick would just forget about me. Turns out, he's been closer than I thought."

"I just can't believe this." He shakes his head. "I can't believe you've been keeping this from me." he pauses. "Where is he?"

I look at the door. "Probably inside."

I reach for the door handle and he doesn't object. Why would he? I'm sure he's eager to know just how compromised his company is with Dominick. I'm also eager to hear what Dominick wants to offer him.

The house is really quiet, it seems vacant even with all the furniture. It's dark except for a light coming from a room to the right. I'm guessing it must be a living room since it's too close to the front door to be a bedroom. I don't know where else to go so I just walk towards the light. As we walk, I begin to believe that we're alone. Maybe Dominick isn't here right now, maybe he'll join us later. But then we walk into the living room and see him standing by the chimney with a drink in his hand, wearing another one of his suits. He turns to look at us and grins. "Finally. I've been waiting for you two."

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