'He... wasn't too bad.' Uraraka confessed and Mina's grin kept getting wider. 'I am not telling you anything else. I am so embarrassed I never want to have this conversation again.'

'We'll see about that.' Said Mina with a wink.

Uraraka finished her cereal, hoping that the conversation could change to something other than her sexual life.

The rest of the say was pretty mundane. Uraraka spent the rest of the afternoon working on some reports and cleaning the apartment. She really wanted to change her mind, but it seemed like her thoughts always wandered back to Bakugou. She plugged her phone to her stereo and blasted the music as loud as she could. She needed to take her mind off. She cleaned all her clothes and her bedsheets as well. Even with all that effort, she still couldn't remove Bakugou's smell from it. She hated the fact that it smelled just like caramel. She almost thought about throwing it away but realized that she was maybe going too far. Stupid Bakugou with his stupid hands that made burnt nitroglycerin smell so sweet!

As time passed, Uraraka didn't feel as hungover as she felt in the morning. The nausea and the headache were slowly fading away and Uraraka couldn't be happier.

She continued cleaning the house while listening to her favourite singer while Mina was cooking them diner. They ate while talking about random subject. Uraraka made herself very clear that she didn't want to talk about Bakugou and Mina agreed with a frown.

When Uraraka was done cleaning, she felt super disgusting and sweaty. She jumped in the shower and felt immediately better. The hot water running on her body felt so soothing and good. It felt like she was being hugged by a big snuggly bear. She stayed under the running water for a while before snapping back to reality. Once she was done, she covered her body with a towel and walked to her room. She changed herself into something comfortable before jumping in her warm bed. She thought about wearing a turtleneck to hide her bruises but decided against it since she didn't feel like leaving the house anyway. The month of May was slowly becoming warmer as they approached April so Uraraka wasn't in the mood to feel all hot and sweaty.

Uraraka was getting very tired already. Cleaning all day was very tiring and her soothing hot shower didn't really help. She decided to go to bed earlier than usual to wake up early in the morning for a morning work out before work. She closed her blinds and her phone before falling asleep in her clean and warm bedsheets that smelled just like caramel.

+ + +

Uraraka's week was a mixture of very boring and very stressful. Every day was always different since she was mostly doing patrol and accompanying others on small missions which were her favourite days. On the days where she wasn't on the field, she was writing reports back to her supervisor. Those days were long and very dull.

At the end of the week, she received a notice from her supervisor to go to a very important meeting. Uraraka was very excited to finally do something else than just do paperwork. When she entered the meeting room, she saw some faces she had never seen before. Her eyes travelled around the room before falling on a very familiar one.

'Sero-kun!' she called out and the boy smiled and waved at her to sit next to him. 'Glad to see you.' Uraraka said taking the seat next to him.

Sero hadn't change much since their third year. He was still the same tall and slim guy she had been friend with in high school. His hair however was cut much shorter and wasn't hiding his forehead like the straight and pointy hairstyle he had before.

'Hello Uraraka, nice to see you too. I didn't know you worked here.' He said and Uraraka simply smiled.

'Why are you here?' Uraraka asked and Sero looked as puzzled as she was. 'Do you think we'll work together on a case?'

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