Burning Desire

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The forest was the perfect cover for Kronya but Byleth swore she'd rip the entire place down to get the chance to kill her and soon she would all in do time.
"Professor maybe it wasn't right telling you this so soon after all you don't look like your feeling well after all." Byleth shot Edelgard a glare before looking back ahead at their destination.
"I'm fine... After all once my father has been avenged I believe that I can as well. So rest assured I'm fine."
"Heey you finally made it!" A voice cried further away from them. Byleth recognized it as the one student she'll never care about, one she would never protect Monica. "So I guess it's time I showed my true form I'm Kronya and you all came here to die!" Kronya's laughter echoed through Byleth's head interrupting any thoughts of strategy as she reached for her blade. Before she knew it she started laughing like a psychopath.
"No. Kronya today you'll die by my blade!!" Before Edelgard or anyone could stop her Byleth charged through the woods killing any beast or human that stood in her way before she reached Kronya.
"You'll never avenge him at the rate your going at." Kronya laughed before Byleth snapped and swung her sword as it split off and scrapped her neck just barely missing it's chance to end Kronya's life. Before Kronya could react Byleth swung again smacking Kronya's face with the side of the sword's tip barely saving her from death.
"No! It...it's not possible." She muttered before turning from Byleth running. Byleth instantly followed ignoring Edelgard's pleas to wait. As Byleth followed her a thought came into her mind. If Kronya hadn't killed her father then... Who would? A bandit, some random soldier, Edelgard? She pushed the thought aside when Kronya tripped and fell. She spun back up and looked at Byleth with fearful eyes as Byleth readied her blade.
"But how? How could I lose to a lowly creature like you?!" Behind her a figure appeared smiling it was Solon.
"Well." He simply said.
"Solon. Don't just stand there and stare I need your help!" She screamed turning towards him.
"Yes you most certainly do." He replied walking up to Kronya.
"Huh?" Kronya said before Simon raised out his hand and stabbed Kronya in the gut as Byleth looked from afar in disgust.
"Have no fear Kronya. Your sacrifice will help rid the world of the filthy vermin that have long infested it. Byleth never noticed it until now but dark purple flames were growing across the platform there were on which meant only one thing... She had fallen right into a trap...and so had Kronya Solon's own ally... Simon continued to wiggle his hand around as the flames moved and Kronya continually cried in pain.
"Solon. Stop this!" The flames turned towards Byleth and swirled around her arms and legs trapping her.
"The time has finally come." Solon grinned as he finally let go of Kronya.
"To unleash the forbidden spell of Zahras upon our enemies!" He clenched his hand and the flames spiraled up as Kronya fell to the ground looking up at Byleth. She reached out her hand and cried out.
"Please...help...me." But before Byleth could react the flames swallowed Kronya and then shot at her and swallowed both of them into darkness. Alone Solon grinned.
"Begone with you...Fell Star."
"That could only have been magic! What happened to our professor?" Edelgard shouted as the students saw the aftermath of Solon's spell. Solon laughed at the sight of the students.
"They were swallowed by the mystical darkness of the forbidden spell. An eternity wandering in a void of nothingness, never to return to this world... To think we almost had the Sword of the Creator..."
"You're lying! Our professor is alive, I know it!" Caspar shouted.
"That's right! Our professor is no ordinary human!" Flayn added.
"It is hard to fathom that our professor would die in a place like this." Hubert commented.
"It is possible that death has yet to find your friend. But there are things worse than death. Drifting through the darkness with no chance of escape... Overwhelmed with hopelessness... It must be torturous." Solon pondered before Edelgard cut him off.
"You're already boasting a victory but know this- if you did use such devious tricks to stop our professor... I swear that you'll regret it."
"I cannot help but agree with her this once. Even if our professor is trapped in darkness, that is not the end of their story." Ferdinand commented glancing at Edelgard smiling.
"I will not forgive such arrogance. If you prefer it so you shall be added to the ranks of death!" Solon yelled. But before he could strike a blade cut through the air as the sky turned red and the Sword of Creation cut the sky as Solon stood in awe.
"So the Fell Star consumes even the darkness itself." He gasped as Byleth dropped to the ground her hair now green matching her eyes.
"Professor...It is you right? I knew that you would always come back to us. If like to ask about your appearance, but for now, let's dispose if the enemy." Solon fled back a bit at a loss for words because of Byleth's return.
"What did you see in the darkness of Zahras? This should be impossible. The only being that should be able to withstand that darkness is... Unless I dispose of you myself, I may never have the chance to send you back there!"
Byleth charged alone not waiting for her students' aid taking down Solon's reinforcements before standing before the old mage proud and dripping of her enemies' blood.
"So this is how it is... I cannot let you live!" His voice cried out with a hint of his overwhelming fear.
"You stole the words right out of my mouth. You lost the moment failed to kill the professor." Edelgard shouted finally catching up.
"I am terrified by you... Even though an emotion like fear has no place inside me. That means you must be eliminated." Byleth swiftly stopped Solon before even Edelgard could catch up. "To think...that I would lose to mere beasts. But this is not the end... Thales will fulfill our mission, somehow..."
"No." Byleth said holding her blade at his throat. "I order you to take me to Thales." Everyone froze staring at them.
"What!?" Solon shouted as Byleth leaned in closer.
"I said I order you to take me to Thales. Now!" Her voice roared into his ears as Edelgard cried out.
"No professor wait please! You can't! At least let us go together!"
"No." Byleth answered shaking her head. "I shall go alone. Now Solon take me to Thales before I slit your throat and watch your head roll off your shoulders!!" Her growing anger frightened everyone around her including Hubert Solon finally nodded teleporting them away leaving the students, the other two professors, and Shamir stood alone.
"For now it's probably best to tell Rhea she's resting and doesn't wish to be disturbed." Shamir suggested.
"... Yes..." Edelgard said staring at the ground wandering what Byleth's true motives were.
"I hate to disappoint you.. But Thales will be but a moment. I assure you it's no trap." Solon nervously said.
"Arundel has nothing to hide." Byleth commented shocking Solon. "But if he wishes to approach me this way fine."
"How did you..?"
"It was obvious that the flame emperor was Edelgard. She said it herself she wishes to restore the empire's glory and destroy the crest system. Plus the Death Knight closely ties you into the mix. After all you captured Flayn, but you used him to fool us. However I am no fool."
"... Sorry to keep you waiting professor." Thales said walking in proudly. "To what do I owe this pleasureful visit?"
"What is your goal Thales?" Byleth asked glaring at him.
"My goal? To destroy everything in Fodlan of course. Destruction death and the resurrection of Nemesis the king of Liberation!" Byleth stood silent for a moment before bursting out in laughter.
"Then our goals align perfectly." Byleth smiled a villainous grin imagining how the world would burn.

" Byleth smiled a villainous grin imagining how the world would burn

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And that's the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this. Obviously at the beginning it followed the game but almost from now on it'll split to my own version... Until minor things may merge or link together this is the start of where our story diverges. Next time Venomous Fangs.

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