Chapter 12

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It was only a few months later that the threats started to come.

For the most part, they didn't worry about them. It was usually someone who had lost someone they loved during the first war or some ex-student that Dumbledore had made a particularly good impact on. But when Tom opened a threat that was written in blood, he took pause. He didn't even read it, as soon as he saw what it was written in, he hastened to Harry's study.

He was in the middle of a small meeting with some ministry officials. They had been working tirelessly to make sure that the proper precautions were in place so someone like Dumbledore couldn't have such a heavy hand in politics.

He put a hand on Harry's shoulder gently, knowing how he hated to be interrupted during his meetings.

"Yes Tom?" His voice was worn thin, haggard by all the planning and negotiations and proposals he'd been working on.

"I hope I didn't interrupt, I just wanted to see if anyone was staying for dinner tonight before I start cooking." They had created a sort of alarm system to the other. If one suggested to cook while the other was in the middle of a meeting, it meant that something required attention.

"No, we were just about finished for the day. Not much more we can discuss before I rewrite these proposals anyway." They saw the ministry men out before Harry rounded on Tom, his hair rapidly growing as he dropped his glamors.

"What's happened?" His voice was tinged with alarm. Tom had only interrupted him once before and that was because Frenir had forgotten to take his monthly potion. He had needed Harry to help contain the beast for the night.

"This. We cannot ignore these anymore." He handed his partner the letter and rubbed his face. Harry's face drained.

"Tom...there's only one person who could have done this."

"Well how would you bloody well know who wrote it? It's not like they signed it!"

"The blood that it's written in is the blood of someone who has been dead for a long time." Tom took pause at that. "It's....written in my mother's blood. There's only one person who would have had her blood on hand this long after she died." Tom's forehead furrowed in thought. Who on earth would have had access Lily Potter's blood?

"Who let the meddling fucker get away?"

To say that Harry was furious would be an understatement. The entire manor was cloaked in shadows so thick you could hardly see. No one had seen Harry, they had only heard his voice come from within the darkness every now and again.

Upon Harry's request, Severus arrived a few days later with almost an entire gallon of veritaserum. After careful consideration, Harry called upon all the followers that had been in that manor the day Dumbledore had arrived. There was at least forty of them waiting for their orders in the living room.

The darkness completely engulfed the entire room, making it impossible for anyone to see. From behind the followers, Harry's voice rang out.

"On the day Dumbledore showed up, I asked several of you to take care of him. To kill him and then do the worst things imaginable to his corpse. Did any of you do what you were told?!" The men around him shivered at the sudden hostility in his voice. He could practically taste the fear that was in the room.

"I will be asking you all to describe to me, in grave detail, everything you useless fucks did to him. Understood?" Everyone powered through their fear enough to nod their heads in agreement. "Excellent." His voice was much more pleasant now, and the shadows receded until the room looked normal.

Suddenly, every single follower was tied with ropes so they couldn't move. They were forced to take shallow breaths as the bindings restricted their chests and keeping their muscles clamped down in one spot. It was sure to be painful.

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