Chapter 4: Welcome Back

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Luza looked at the clock with exhilaration and dread. Her mare friend Vanilla Frost was coming home today; she was about four months older than Soft Note and lived a few blocks away. Soft Note loved her with all her heart, but Nilla was even more of a tickler than the princesses. She used to tie Luza up when they were friends and tickle her silly; Luza, as they got closer, held her own occasional tickle fight, but Nilla always won.

She heard the knob of the door in the other room; "here she comes" Luza thought as she stood up. She walked into the entrance halfway as her girlfriend walked in; Nilla opened the door and the two shared an extendedly said "Hiiiiii," and hugged.

"Little Luza here to greet me at the door" Nilla said teasing her lover with her nickname and giving her waist a fast poke. Luza jumped back and giggled.

"Maybe want to tell me how you're doing before you start tickling Nilla?" Soft Note said poking her in her toned abdomen, causing a similar reaction to Luza's. But there would be no conversation from there, the poke to the abdomen was enough to start Nilla's tickling fire which was really started the moment she saw her cute toned tummy as she came in the door.

Nilla grabbed at Luza's hip bones and wiggled her hooves into her hip pockets. Luza laughed and fell into the living room door, Nilla falling on top of her still squeezing her younger friend's waist. Luza would not cave easily though, she reached out to her lower ribs which had become exposed when they fell. Nilla buckled and loosened her tickling hooves as she felt Luza's nimble, soft hooves rubbing her ribs.

"Hahahaha oh no you dohohon't!" Nilla said as she poked her abdomen, one of Luza's more ticklish areas, which caused Luza to momentarily stop tickling her mare friend and try to cover her own tummy. Nilla tried to take this as an advantage and pin her, but as they were rolling on the floor Luza had one brief moment to act so she started tickling Nilla's abdomen, ticklish tummies were almost a 'family trait'. Luza wiggled her hooves around Nilla's belly and poked a hoof around every now and then; Nilla screamed and pushed her away. "Hahahaha nohohoho!!" Luza was ecstatic!! She thought she would win this.

"Tickle tickle tickle Nilla! Now who's the boss, huh?!" She tried to tease her giggling mess of a girlfriend. Unfortunately her over confidence was her downfall. For again Nilla pushed her lover away and quickly pounced, she sat on Luza's thighs and held her arms above her head but took the moment to catch her breath as Luza struggled frantically.

"No no no Nilla cmon lets stop this and talk it over" she tried to reason out of it but Vanilla Frost would not have it, she reached the ribbon nearby and used it to tie her to the leg of the couch.
"I'm hehe gonna get you so badly little Luza," Nilla said still a little giggly. Luza looked at her with horror which was hard to see since she was already starting to smile seeing her soft hooves wiggle tormentingly towards her tummy. Luza closed her eyes and sucked in her tummy as far as it could go, but that was only a temporary solution. She felt the light tickle of Nilla's hooves on her bare lower tummy, which caused her to release her sucked in abdomen and as it rose her flesh felt the spidering sensation of Nilla's hooves crawling around her tummy.

"Ahahahahaha Nilla hehehe nohohohoho ahaha stohohohp please!!" She begged as she pulled at her restraint trying to stop her and bucked trying to at least knock her off; all she managed to do was shake the couch and knock over a pillow. Nilla smiles as she squeezed and tickled and prodded all around the abdomen of her younger friend.

"Tickle tickle Luza," she said winking. "I think you asked before who was the boss, I would say I am wouldn't you?" She moved up Luza's top to her ribs.

"Yehehes! Youhuhu are!!! Please no more hehe!" Luza bucked and squirmed and pulled her arms trying desperately to cover her ever ticklish belly, praying her girlfriend would stop before hitting her most ticklish spot.

"Nope! My dear, there is still much tickling to be done!" With that Nilla grabbed the fallen pillow and shoved it under Luza's lower back, raising her belly up and not allowing for as much movement for Soft Note. Nilla took pleasure in her tickling methods she would tickle fast around her sides, squeezing from just above her hip bones to just under her ribs; she would go slowly, using her hoof tips to drag across her lower tummy and around the toned outline of Luza's belly, stroking every curve. She poked, stroked, wiggled, traced all over her bare tummy.

"Ahahaha Hahahaha oh my goohohohohod stopoohohohop plehehehehease!!" Luza begged as she wriggled and writhed trying to free herself, she felt like a thousand hooves were tickling her tummy not just two. Her lover clearly outmatched her and was using all effective tickling methods she used when they were younger, but again she was thankful the worst spot remained untouched, but as before, Luza spoke too soon. Nilla had begun to stroke a spiral from Luza's outer abs and was going very slowly towards her belly button. "Hahaha Nilla hehe no, nohohot there! Anywhere else plehehease!"

Nilla smiled and stroked closer and closer to the outstretched belly button, "oh Luza, you tickled mine, it's only fair your girlfriend gets a turn!" She winked at Luza as she ran her hoof just around the rim of Luza's navel.

"Hehehe plehehease dohohon't do IT!! HAHAHAHAHAHA" right as Luza said "it" Nilla's fore-hoof dipped into Luza's deep belly button and had her bucking like mad. Nilla was very talented at tickling Luza, but tickling her belly button was always her favorite, she wiggled her hoof in a circle around in it, then she'd stretch it open with her other hoof and spelled different words and letters. She would stroke the bottom and run her hoof tip around the "walls". Luza was already bucking and screaming filled with giggles. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA NILLA NOHOHOHOHO STOP THIS AHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE NO MORE AHAHA!"

Nilla was not quite done. "Only one last thing Luza," she winked as she leaned down and gave Luza a huge, wet raspberry, followed closely by spinning her tongue in her poor little naval. Luza had turned from hysterical laughter to silent laughter as Nilla's tongue dipped in and out, twirled, and when raspberrying vibrated in her bellybutton. After another twenty minutes, Nilla let her go and they lay next to each other on the floor, Nilla giggling in accomplishment and Luza from her tickling.

"Always good to be home" Nilla said poking Luza's side one more time, who immediately pushed her away still giggling.

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