day nine: fake dating

Start from the beginning

"now that's a first." peter smirked.

"yes, i'll agree with you on that one. but anyways, i know a kid from tennessee, and he's only a few inches taller than you, so if people don't measure him, then we're good. so, i've spoken to him and explained the situation. turns out, he already knew about it; it was trending earlier or something. anyways, he's flying over here, and he's gonna leave school a week early so he gets here this weekend, and then he's gonna stay here for the summer. he'll wear the suit, and you guys can take photos together, act all romantic and stuff, but please don't make me witness it." tony fake gagged before continuing. "get your friends over, and you can take group photos or get them to take photos of the two of you."

"okay... am i allowed to know this guy's name?" peter asked, surprised that tony had managed to come up with this idea as soon as peter told him the problem in the lab earlier that day.

"oh, yeah. his name is harley. you should get along well."

"is this the one who's garage you broke into?"


"nice. i've always wanted to ask him about ways you embarrassed yourself in front of him. the stuff you mess up always makes good posts for the internet."

"no more unsupervised internet for you, kid."

"you can't tell me what to do."

"pepper can."



"anyways, am i allowed to answer questions from the internet now?"

"sure, kid. i'll have to monitor what you're saying, though."

"fair enough."


best intern @p_parkour
okay, mr. stark said i can answer some questions now. he's also monitoring my responses, though, so i can't answer certain questions!

tony stark stan @avengersmemes
how did you and spidey meet? and how did you get together?
best intern @p_parkour
i'm mr. stark's personal intern, so i was working in his lab when spidey came through the window with a knife in his leg (he was okay!), and then we became friends, i started designing some of his stuff, and yeah, we started dating about a couple of months ago!
tony stark stan @avengersmemes
nice! thank you for replying!

garbage @hawkeye_stan
when will we get to see pictures of you two together?
best intern @p_parkour
soon! i don't have pictures of him & i with him in the spidey suit, so we have to take some!
garbage @hawkeye_stan

emjay @whatsuplosers
what are you?
best intern @p_parkour
an idiot sandwich

tin can man stan @ironcannot
my friends don't believe you, and they want tony to confirm (also, i believe you!! they just think that this is super sudden and like, no one knew who you were 24 hours ago)
best intern @p_parkour
understandable, tbh, idk if i'd believe me. also, tony's just getting onto twitter
you know who i am  @tonystark
i can confirm. peter is my intern and is dating spider-man
iron man replied to my tweet @ironcannot
omg omg omg okay thank you mr tony stark iron man sir
best intern @p_parkour
me when tony turned up in my apartment and offered me the internship


harley turned up at the compound a couple of days later. tony had managed to convince may to keep peter off school for a few days, due to all the attention that would be on here. at first, may had said that prolonging peter's return to school would just make it worse, but in the end, she had agreed to peter staying at the tower for a few days after the pictures were posted - so that things had a little while to calm down. but then he was going straight back to school.

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