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I woke up feeling tired and grumpy. I looked at my clock, 5:30. I groaned. I got out of bed and slid my slippers on and headed downstairs.
" Good Morning my lovely", my dad called as I approached the kitchen. "Mmm", I mumbled as I placed my sleepy head on the kitchen counter. " I guess your not excited about today", dad softly laughed. " Come on darling, get dressed and pack your suitcase. We're leaving in two hours". I grabbed some toast and trudged upstairs.

"Are you ready my love?", dad cooed from the bottom of the stairs. " yeah, give me a second", I shouted. I threw my make up bag in my suitcase and zipped it up. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, gave my room a quick tidy, grabbed my suitcase and backpack, then headed downstairs.

We arrived at the airport after a 2 hour car journey. " I'm going to miss you, see you next summer" dad said, giving me a tight 'bear hug' hug, and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled, "I'm going to miss you too dad, I promise I'll visit soon, I'll for sure be here for Christmas this year". "I love you dad" "I love you too, my little one". I gave him one last hug before turning around and heading towards the terminal gates.

" Flight 68396, flying to Sydney, Australia, boarding now". I grabbed my bag and coffee and headed towards the gates. I queued up to board the plane and glimpsed someone that looked very familiar a few people infront of me. I edged closer impatiently, wanting the people in front of me to move faster so I could see who it was, but as I turned away and looked back, they had already disappeared. I sighed and looked at the ground.

I boarded the plane and took my seat by the window. The Pilot, told everyone to remain seated until the seatbelt signs turned off as we were ready for take off any minute. The was no one sitting next to me, I silently praised god, as it meant I had extra leg room, and didn't have to awkwardly climb over someone when I needed to get out.

I took my travel sickness tablets, and put my pressure bands on. I then put my headphones in and looked out the window preparing myself for take off.

I closed my eyes just as a flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder.

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