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The car ride wasn't so bad Carter always seemed to know how to make me smile I would look out the window to see snow falling down for the first time in my life. I turned to look at Carter who ran his fingers through his hair as I could tell he was tired he turned to look at me and smiled a little as he said "A little longer and then we will stop to get some sleep." He was trying to stay relaxed and awake but I could see it not working we were still far away from the place where my surprise is. I turned to look back outside when I felt the car jerk I didn't have time to look at Carter because before I knew it we had swerved off the road and into the snowy ground. At first I thought he was pulling over but I could see he was having trouble in the snow and soon the car flipped rolling down the snowy hill my eyes were closed the whole time until we came to a stop. I opened my eyes to see we were upside down Carter managed to get free as he kicked the glass making it break as he came towards me and helped me get free and leading me out of the car and against the tree. He went back inside the car to our bags as I sat with my knees against my chest trying to stay warm I could feel a little pain here and there which meant I had cuts and some bruises. I watched Carter drop the bags in front of me as he kneeled down and grabbed my face turning it from side to side checking my cuts as he pulled out a first aid kit and cleaned me up. He stood up and looked around as I saw him gathering some wood as I rubbed my tummy feeling the need to eat. Carter dropped the wood and looked at me and asked "What's wrong with your tummy?" I looked at him and replied "I'm just hungry that's all. Did you bring any warmer clothes?" He nodded his head pulling out some jackets and blankets as I put on a big jacket and placed a blanket on my legs as he was working on the fire.

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