Part 4

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It wasnt long till I felt the nice warm air make its way over to me causing me to relax some. I looked up at Carter to see him stand up and give me a small smile before he headed into the woods. My heart was wanting to go after him but I knew it was better to stay here with the warm fire. I slowly reached behind me and grabbed my bag putting it in my lap as I searched for the vitamins the doctor gave me. Once I found them I opened the bottle and took one out putting it in my mouth and chewing it as I turned to see Carter looking at me. He stood there giving me a confused looked as he held onto a dead animal which I'm guessing was dinner. I watched him move closer before getting down on his knees as he looked at me "What did you just take baby girl? If it's drugs I promise you it's not worth it those pills will just make your life worse." His free hand took a hold of mine as I looked down and replied "It's not drugs Carter I promise. My doctor gave them to me for a certain reason." I could feel his eyes still on me as he lifted my chin up so our eyes met. He leaned in as he forehead touched mine "What are you hiding from me baby? And don't say nothing cause I can see it in your eyes." My words got caught in my throat as I swallowed hard before I quitely replied "Well lately I haven't been feeling good so I went to the doctors. She gave me some news and well I'm pregnant." I saw him back away and look at me like he didn't know who I was. He kept shaking his head as he looked down some before looking back at me and yelled "Are you kidding me? How long have you been keeping this from me?" I stuck my hand out so I could touch him but he moved away again causing me to let out a sigh and bring my knees to my chest "I found out a few days ago but I was scared to tell you cause I knew you weren't ready for a family yet. I mean look at you Carter your acting like I have a disease when I'm suppose to be the love of your life." My eyes slowly made their way over to him as I saw him sitting down with his head in his hands while the dead animal was cooking over the fire. His hands finally dropped as he looked over at me "I love you so much Nicky and nothing will change that. I just hope you can understand I will need your help being a parent." I couldn't help but smile big as I nodded my head agreeing with him as I got up and went over to him. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me down into his lap as we cuddled waiting for the food to finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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