Colonialisation, Death, Islands and Discovery: the 1500s

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The 1500s were a time of discovery. Spain, Portugal and other nations discovered a new world and made colonies that would stretch from part of Canada to the Falklands.

Hiramia would not be one of them. They were just expanding.

After the major defeat with the Pyngotai in the 1400s, they were a puppet, a vassal state that would exert Pyngotai influence across Asia and Oceania. But they would soon be out of it under a deal where in exchange for many gold bars and a marriage to their royal family, they would be independent and freed.

Let me tell you of a story where exploration had gone wrong. Yes, there were many stories I hath told that sounded like that, but we need to finish this series up so come on and see for yourself another story.

They have discovered Opt, a medium sized island located a few kilometers from Ryder island. However, the local people were not happy to be waving the Hiramian banner.

About 50 people left the ship they were in, all of them with spears and swords, and they found a settlement about a mile from where they landed. They greeted themselves and stated they didn't wish to harm them.

Unfortunately, the leader of the local tribe, Kokokrazymann, recognised that if he gave up his tribe, they would kill him and his tribe. He would approach them and refuse. The Hiramians asked why and he stated that he wouldnt give up the tribe because the moment he would do that, he would be dead and his tribe would be dead aswell.

The tribe launched a attack upon the Hiramians. About 100 people attacked the 50 Hiramians. Eventually, the Hiramians were reduced to 4 and the tribe people who battled were reduced to 87. The remaining Hiramians ran away.

But eventually, Opt would be colonised and the tribe would be killed off. Hiramia would become a empire. They would say "I am a Hiramian", or in Hiramian, "Naimarih a ma I."

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