"Are you feeling guilty of what you said earlier?" she stared at him through her long lashes.


"I know you won't. Even with the look on my face, you didn't feel pity. You still downgraded the ability and qualities of a woman," she uttered with a depressed look.

Alex placed his hand behind his neck and took a deep breathe. Thelma gave a sad puppy look and went back to her work. Suddenly, she shut the laptop close and got to her feet. "I would be leaving now" she announced.

"You can't leave. I'll take you home. It's too late" his imperative voice boomed.

"I don't need the help of someone who doesn't appreciate other people but himself," she sneered and rolled her downcast eyes. "You know, a saying goes that behind every successful man, there is a woman".

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Wow! I have heard! I am sorry! Gosh! You can kill a person. Why are you acting like you've been crushed? I'm sorry. Women are not bad; just some. Please quit doing those sad face. Urgh!" Alex huffed in defeat.

Thelma smiled. That was a mission accomplished. Alex do have a heart. He is still the Prince Charming I knew. He is just trying to change himself. Why?


Theresa heard a knock at the door. Quickly, she stood up and went to open it. Thelma stood at the door, stared at Theresa and gasped, "What's on your face?"

"My face?" Theresa arched a brow. "Oh! My face! Well, it's a face mask I made with egg. It helps my skin. I want my skin to glow" she replied. Theresa's face was plastered with a creamy paste. She softly tapped her cheek and nodded.

"Ugh! Back again with that. I thought you bought a face cream?" Thelma walked in, tossing her bag on the bed.

"Yeah, I did. It had finished so I thought, why not go natural?" Theresa giggled.
"I left some lasagne and sauce for you".

"Thanks. Today had been stressful" Thelma stretched and yawned. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and sighed. But it had a nice ending in the office for her. Alex! Alex! I can't get why you are on my mind! Well, I can't be blamed. How can a woman forget that hot, sexy man?

Thelma thought of him. He had this perfect symmetrical face with thick and dark eyebrows. Not to talk of his dark lashes! His high cheek bones and full lips were so mesmerizing. It always looked so kissable most especially since it was so rich in color, always pink. She couldn't even forget that perfectly toned athletic body fitted into those expensive suits. His manly scent beats her imagination. She wouldn't be surprised if she was told he spends millions on his cologne. It was just too good.

After, she had eaten. She picked up a novel to read and stared out the window. She was startled when Theresa yelled, "Thelma come and answer your phone call. Some freak keeps  calling".

"Oh!" Thelma dashed to the room. "Who could be calling?"

She picked the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Oscar. Thelma smiled and pressed the green icon that flashed.

"Hi!" she chirped as she pressed the phone close to her ear.

"Hey, Thelma! How are you doing?" Oscar greeted.

"I'm good! You called, why?"

"Yeah! It's about Kelvin. His new attitude is creepy. He is too quiet and that is messing with my brain" he voiced and heaved a sigh. There was rustling before the other end fell silent.

"Oh!" Thelma sighed.

"Can we meet?"

"Sure! I'm on my way" Thelma hung up and averted her gaze to her sister. "Theresa, I need to go somewhere. I'll be back soon".

"No way! You just got back from work. Why do you want to go now? No, Thelma! You need to rest," Theresa replied.

"I want to meet Oscar and talk to him for some minutes"

"What's happening between the both of you? You are going nowhere," she yelled and sat in a trance-like pose.

"Well, I will be receiving a call. Please don't interrupt me. I will be in the bathroom" Thelma yelled,  feigning anger. Theresa shrugged with an unconcerned expression. An exasperated sigh escaped Thelma's lips and she walked into the bathroom. She shut the door behind her, tapped on her phone and dialed Oscar's number. He picked at the spur of the moment.

"Hi! I'm sorry but I can't meet you. We can still have a conversation by means of our cellphone," Thelma suggested.

"Is it possible for Theresa and Kelvin to make up?"

"Theresa? Apologize?" she laughed for a moment and added "Impossible! Don't you know Theresa? Gosh, the chance of that happening is thin".

"What if Kelvin apologizes?"

"Then there is hope!"

"I think I have an idea"

"I am all ears"

.    ~~~Author's note~~~

So what do you think? Can Kelvin be forgiven? Do you feel bad for him?

Pls don't hesitate to vote
and comment. Love you all. ❤❤💋😆😌😊😄

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