I'm Back With A New Chapter!

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(that's an wsome song up there please watch!) Meanwhile with dream and killer

(I think you know now how swap! Paps died)

Dream's POV:
After I had that dream I had a nightmare... I walked down the stairs out of my room and walked to killers room. I then laid in his bed and cuddled up to him

                                            The next morning
Killer's POV:
I woke up and felt something warm around me.. I turned around to see dream cuddling up to me and I immediately blushed "um..dream?"i asked and he slowy opened his eyes with a blush" yes~?"he said or asked I don't really know." why are you sleeping  here?"I asked with a bright blush" I had a bad dream so I got to you!"he said and my blush got brighter."o-okay" I said and cuddled him falling asleep again.

you made me feel something right (kréme story(dream×killer)) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora