Chapter 2

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previously: we got the stuff and into the house.

Y/n pov:
  we got the stuff and into the house. we put the groceries in the kitchen and then he ran to the couch and left me in the kitchen without saying a word, i laughed at his silliness and put the groceries in the right place then making lunch for the two of us i then went to the living room and sat down on the couch jeongin was on and gave him his food and drink, once we were both done i went to the kitchen and did the dishes. when i came back to the living i sat at the opposite side of the couch jeongin and i was previously on and as soon as i sat down to my surprise he came to the other side of the couch and layed in my lap as i pet his ears making him fall asleep as we watched a movie together when the movie was over i took him up to his room laying him on his bed covering him up with his blanket and giving him a kiss on his forehead and saying have a nice nap cutie and then i left his room and into the kitchen to make him a snack for when he wakes up.

~After his nap~
he came up to me hugging my leg while i was in the kitchen when i was making some lemonade i told hello and said there was a snack on the table if he'd like a snack now he walked over to the table then back to me asking for a little help reaching the table i walked over lifted him in a seat and he started eating his snack. i walked back over to the lemonade and fix us both a glass then i asked him "if you don't mind sharing, but why were you hurt sweetie?" he doesn't answer then looks me straight in the eyes and says "i was trying to help my friend" i nod and ask if his friend was a hybrid also he nods yes. i ask him if he wants to live with me or wants a different home, he points at me and smiles. we then finish the dishes from our snack and head to the adoption center.

~At the adoption center~
   we are getting everything ready to sign the paperwork and the guy brings me paper for two little hybrids i look at him confused then i see my little fox run off and hug another hybrid that looks about around his age and yell "Omg i haven't seen you sense the incident how are you ???"

hehe cliffhanger sorry guys but comment which member you think it is??? how are yours days?

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