Chapter One: ALONE

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"Don't look at me like that. I told you she would say no." I say to my best friend, Connor. He had a sad look on his pale face. His baby blue eyes looked gray on the sunlight.

"I know... I just thought you might be wrong..." Connor said with a slight shrug.

"This is Abigail Thomson we're talking about right? That little Bitch ain't worth your time." I say with a sour face.

Abigail is one of Dark Creek High's prettiest, most popular, and most stuck up little snoobes you could ever meet. She likes to pick up boys like Connor, then use and twist them to her advantage, dump them, when they have given up everything. I care about Connor way too much for him to be used like that, then thrown away like he's nothing. Nope, not going to happen.

Connor rolls his eyes, "Can you try to be nice to her?" I shook my head with a sarcastic smile on my face. "OK." He says, " How about you try not to call her names. Or use your gifts to make her fall on her face." He says raising his blonde eyebrows.

Truth is... Not many people know about my gifts... Meaning, my family, Connor, and my other best friend, Isacc... No one else knows, because the government is still killing people that use magic. Or any other form of witchcraft... So yes, I am espically messed...

I sigh... He's trying, but I don't think it will work though. I'll try, not for Abby, but for Connor.

"Makayla?" Connor says, snapping me out of deep thought.

"I'll try not to call her names, where she can here them." I say, trying not to make a face.

"And?" Connor says with a slight smile.

I narrow my eyes at him. I sigh, "And... I won't make her fall on her face... I'll just have her fall on her butt... Better? Cause' your not going to be able to get any thing better out of me." I bat my eyes and put on a fake smile.

Connor rolls his eyes, "I know. Your Makayla." He surprises me, by hugging me. "And my best friend. Not an alien."

I laugh and pull him off of me as we head to our first class. As we go through the winding hallways of Dark Creek High the people and talking bears down to a stifling silence. This is not a good sign. It's never this quiet in Dark Creek High. I think to myself. Especially not near the 10th grade hallways. That's where every popular kid in school hangs out at.

"This is not good. It's not suppose to be silent." Says Connor picking up the same bad vibe I have. I turn around and nearly jump out of my skin. Standing literally behind me is Isacc and Lindsey. Aka my other best friends. People say Lindsey and Isacc look alike, but then again people are crazy. Lindsey has light brown hair with pretty hazel eyes and wears blue jeans and loose t-shirts. While Isacc has bright red hair with mischievous gray eyes and he wears shorts and long sleeve shirts.

"Twin, what are you-" I cut Lindsey off by putting my hand over her big mouth.

"Finally, you-" Isacc did the same thing I did, to Connor.

"Would you two, please shut your big mouths?" I ask furling my eyebrows. That's when I heard it... A noise almost like a hissing sound. Isacc turned to me with confused and angry eyes... See the only reason why Isacc knows my secret is 'cause... I know his secret... You see Isacc is a ware wolf.

Me and Isacc had to practically drag Lindsey and Connor into another room, keeping our hands over their mouths. I closed the door just enough that I could see out of it, yet not enough to be seen

"What the hell?!?" Lindsey said when I uncovered her mouth.

"There is something out there and whatever it is, I assure you it is not pretty nor is it friendly." I said in a level tone, and at that, both Lindsey and Connor shut up.

I slowly looked around the corner. The coast was clear, so far. I slowly and carefully stepped into the doorway, looking both ways twice before taking off towards the right corner of the hallway. I signaled for Connor, Lindsey, and Isacc to stay put. I looked around the corner just in time to see a giant slimy green tail (around 10 feet long, as far as I could tell.) shuffle down the freshman hallway.

Once I knew it was safe, then I signaled for the three of them to come over to where I was crouched. One at a time each of them crossed the hallway, Isacc being the last to leave the empty classroom.

"What the hell was that?" Lindsey asked, her eyes wide with fear. I put my hands gently on her shoulders.

"Honestly, I can't explain right now." I was looking at the both of them now, " I promise, I will explain everything later--" I was interrupted by the late bell. "Come on, let's go before Ms. Parker gives us three weeks detention again." I scratched my head, thinking of all the possible monsters it could be. There's quite a few monsters it could be, but one thing hit me suddenly. I stopped in the middle of the hallway. Reptilian monsters aren't very smart so you basically have to use mind control to use them. Little reptilian monsters are great for beginning magic users. Big ones are not often used because they are hard to control and have major anger problems (kinda like centaurs, accept they are a lot slower and stronger). Mostly they are just used in arenas to show a person's strength.

I must have been making a face cause Lindsey came up to me and tilted her head in confusion "You oh-Kay, Twin?" she asked breaking me out of thought. I didn't want to scare her, even more than she already was.

"Yea, I'm fine. Thanks" I lied. She gave me a skeptical glance then shrugged and walked off to class with Isacc. I started walking to class when I realized Connor wasn't with me. I look behind me to find Connor talking to a girl with pretty blonde hair and brown eyes. Heat boiled up my face. Had he not heaved my warning? As they came closer I saw that Connor was carrying her things as well, trying not to trip or run into anyone. I stood there waiting for him to say something to me... Or at least acknowledge my presence. The bell rang and all I get is a sly grin from the most selfish girl in school as they walk by. The smile of triumphant. It was her telling me that she had finally won him away from me. A smile that told me... No I can't think about that now.

"Connor!" I yell trying to catch up with him... I was not about to loose him to Princess of Scumbags. After bumping into and shoving many people, I finally made it to Connor. I jumped up next to him, ruffling his dark hair and surprising him. He dropped of the bags and books in his hands. Connor flinched as they fell to the floor with a BANG. I looked at Abigail Thomson to see her face turn from white with horror to red with anger.

"YOU IMBECILE, THAT WAS MY MAKEUP AND JEWELRY BAGS!!!" Abigail yelled at Connor, her face bright red. People in the hallways stopped and turned to see what was going on. Connor stepped back in surprise. This needs to stop before... Abigail reeled her hand back ready to swing, but that's when I snapped. I pulled Connor back stepping in front of him and catching Abigail's hand at the last second. Her face turned pasty white in horror... Or as white as it could go with her makeup mask.

"Careful, Abbey, you don't want to break one of your fake nails." I said stepping closer, a smug smile on my face. "You should remember this... Don't." I let go of her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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