Author Note

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This story is by no means dead nor am I not actively writing, in fact the next chapter for this story had been drafted and proof read for a while now but hasn't been released for months as well as drafts for another two chapters, hell there's even a re-write for it.

The reason why it's not released because I don't know how many people are actually enjoying this story. The number of people who read the story and save it to a reading list is huge compared to those that vote or leave a comment with feed back or just generally saying they like it.

I don't just write to have people commenting and writing but if I don't get much feedback or interaction from my readers it doesn't really motivate me to want to write more. And for those of you who vote and leave feedback I see it all and take consideration for all of it.

So how many people would actually want to see this story continued?

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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The Nine Tailed Human Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora