about me

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I am Alyssa Avery. Jack's younger sister. You would all know Jack the noodle from Why don't we. Well me and him are actually really close and born exactly 1 year and 1 day part. Jack is 20 and I'm 19, when we were younger we were inseperable. However, a lot changed when I turned 16. I fell in love with a 19 year old. Silly me, I shouldn't of been stupid enough to trust this boy. I'd call him a man but he wasn't. He acted like a child. Anyways, I was head over heels for this boy, I thought he was the one, I was just 16 I believed anything. My friends and I were experimenting we were trying drugs, meeting lads. I was the last one to loose my virginity so when this 19 year old approached me I jumped at the chance.

Now this relationship with this boy left me quite fragile. During the first month everything was chill, we were both happy. But after 3 months I was forced to leave my mum's house and quit school, I was stupid and I agreed and I was scared. A week prior to that me hit me continuiously. I told my mum I fell downstairs at a party. She wasn't born yesterday so she didn't believe which resulted in her not allowing me to see him which is how he came up with the idea of me moving into his. At this point, I hadn't had sex with him as we couldn't do it at mine and he didn't want to do it at his until he had his own flat. I had a massive row with my mum over him and how irresponsible I am being to move in with someone like him at such a young age, well I left and didn't return... I was left to fend for myself as I knew my mum wouldn't wanna see me. I left everyone in that house without a goodbye.

This flat was a new start for us he said, I didn't want to burst his bubble so I pretended to be happy. First night we moved in, we had sex for the first time. I thought maybe things will be different now and he wouldn't see me like a child anymore. He didn't. He treated me better, we went out every night and we did enjoy each others company more. We started doing drugs and smoking together.

This was a major downfall as his come down made him anger and I was always happy after taki ng pills, he got mad at this and hit me. I just thought it was the drugs so I let it slip. Until we were doing drugs so often that we got into debt. I was working day shifts at my local supermarket. It still wasn't enough to pay the bills and cover our addiction. I saw my mum there occasionally, I look a state but she didn't start a conversation she turned the other way. I knew I needed to get help so I texted my older sister Sydney.


A: Hi Syd, I know its been months since I spoke to anyone...but I need help.

She didn't reply for days and when she did it wasn't a lot.

S: Alyssa, meet me tomorrow, fountain park.

I didn't reply but I made sure to be at fountain park all day. Sydney did turn up but not alone. The one person I didn't want to see me like this but he came anyway...Jack. I looked down immediately. I was wearing ruffed up baggy clothes and my face was bruised and I had dark circles. Jack walks behind with his head down almost as if he knew I didn't want him there. I stood there shaking, I hadn't anything to take for the last 24 hours so I was struggling.

The conversation is what I remember quite vividly, considering I don't remember much anymore. They walked up to me and Syd wrapped her arms around me and I just collapsed into her arms crying. 'Alyssa what have you gotten yourself into' she says holding back tears, 'your all bones and no muscle. We need to get you help.' I shook my head. 'I can't leave him...he'll kill me' I stutter. Syd pulled up my top and sees the bruises and scars, she tooks a step back. Jack looks mortified. I fdll to the floor. 'You've got to help me.' I struggle. Jack dropped to my side and looks around 'we need to get her away from him.' Jack demands. Syd nods while crying they help me up and back to the car, jack sits in the back with me as I shake and turn cold. 'She hasn't taken drugs in a good day which is why shes like that' syd says driving us somewhere.

Sadly, this didn't stop anything...

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