2 months later

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I had no contact with anyone for 1 month and 2 weeks. For the last 2 weeks I was allowed to be visited by 1 person every 3 days. My first day, I chose Jack. I knew he'd come. I waited in this room in my baggy clothes. I waited for 30 minutes and then he showed up. I saw him with a group of boys but only Jack was allowed in. I stand up to hug him and he holds me tight. 'I've missed you so much jack!' I smile pulling away. He sits down and we talk. It was all good, it felt like I hadn't left. 'Jack- did Jason get put away?' I ask playing with my sleeves. Jack smiles, 'he did. He got 5 years, as they also found him in possession of drugs.' I smile weakly. 'im safe then?' I ask. Jack holds my hands, 'lyssa you will always be safe with me. I promise.' I smile. I loved having an older brother he makes me feel so much safer. We talk some more and then he tells me about his band. 'Oh my gosh, you are finally in a band? How long?' I ask. jack smiles 'around a year I wanted to wait to tell you. There outside wanting to meet you...but you aren't allowed to meet them.' I sigh. 'i'll meet them as soon as im out.' I smile.

A nurse comes in, 'Hiya hunny c'mon we've got to take you to therapy now' I smile. 'Bye Jack thank you for coming.' I stand up and leave the room. The door jack came through was see through and I saw the boys sat there watching through the door... I make eye contact and look down. They seemed lovely. I hear jack shout down the corridor, 'You've got this avery! No ones stronger than you!' I smile, it makes me more confident. I have 2 more weeks left. Nothing can go wrong.

My therapy recently is talking about the side effects ill be likely to be getting soon. I was worried as they are mainly depression which leads in many directions. I sat there fiddling with my fingers. 'Alyssa' the therapist says, 'another side effect is memory lost. you will forget memories which happened years ago...you will constantly feel a struggle remembering things. which is why your mum has been contacted to help you recall main parts of your childhood.' I nod slowly. thinking about it now, I have forgotten a lot... I began to panic.

I was taken to my room to calm down, I could of forgot so many things that I don't even realise.

_2 weeks lateer_

I was being lead out of the rehab centre. I asked for my mum to pick me up and when the gate buzzed open, I run to her. 'i'm so glad to be free' she holds me tight. 'im glad to take you home babygirl' I was fairly thin and my clothes were baggy. I had therapy every 2 weeks at the centre and my mum had a talk about my recovery outside of the centre, so I feel like we are ready...

My mum helps me to the car. 'I'm taking you shopping tomorrow!' I smile. 'thanks mum...you don't have to' she shakes her head. 'No I am, we are re doing your room and buying you new clothes so you feel like a new person'

I see our house and get out once my mum stopped. I walk to the door. I didn't have much clothes to bring home it was just a small bag. I open it and there is a group of people there who cheer and shout welcome home! I smile. 'Wow' is all I can get out. Syd, Ava and Isla run and hug me. I feel so safe. 'Thank you for getting better Lys!' Ava says to me. isla and syd let go and Ava holds on tighter. 'hey, i'm not going anywhere again...i'm better. Everything's good. I'm sorry for scaring you!' I kiss her forehead and she pulls away and there's tears down her face. I smile at her. Jack comes over next. 'hey sis, welcome home' Hugs me and releases me fairly wuickly. I smile and look around and see 4 boys stood in the corner awkwardly. 'I take it you are the famous why don't we?' I say stepping towards you. 'Welcome home. If you don't want us here we'll leave' Daniel says smiling. 'Honestly stay! You guys are jacks band mates...that makes you family' I smile. They all smile and introduce themselves. I laugh and have a joke with them. The Aspen and Gabbie step out from the kitchen. I stop and look at them. I hadn't spoke to them since I got with him. I begin to cry and so did they, 'We're so glad you made it out' I hold them both! 'What happened to Lucy?' I ask. Aspen looks down, 'We were stupid teens...well you know how you got addicted to drugs,' she takes a breath. I hold her hand and look at gabby. 'Lucy...she passed away 3-4 months ago due to drug addiction.' I take a step back, then a few more tears fall down my face. 'I-I I don't understand...did she get help?' Gabbie shook her head, 'she cut everyone out of her life... so when she thought she had no one left she jumped off a bridge onto on coming cars...' Aspen says slowly. I gasp. 'I wish I had known' Gabbie smiles, 'Hey all that matters now is that you made it out. I'm so happy to have my best friend back!' I smile. We all sit, eat and chill for a few hours until I get tired. gabbie stays over as Aspen has modelling in New York tomorrow. The boys stay over as well, but in jacks old room. I have never missed my home so much.

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