My classmates seemed really excited to spar with him.

But he beat them up real bad.

He would make his body tangible for a split second to land a hit on people, so that would be the only time you'd be able to strike at him.

But he's fast.

Then Midoriya finally fell, everyone was groaning on the floor.

I ran in and shot my flames at Togata, which caught him off guard.

He sank into the ground and disappeared, then I saw him.

He punches really hard... But it wasn't more than I can handle... So I grabbed his wrist and his skin turned red from the heat.

"I would say you're fast, but it's just that you can handle more pain than most people, right?"


Then he punched me in the stomach.

While I was on the ground I noticed he was standing, which meant he wasn't using his quirk.

I took my chance and sent a shit ton of flames at him, but he dodged at the last second.

"That was g-"

"I ain't gonna fight a fight I can't win." I smirked, holding my hand out to help him up.

He declined my offer and smiled, "So be it."



It was about 4PM, I was going to go train with Y/N, he asked me if I wanted to spar earlier, and how could I refuse? It would be a great learning opportunity, and I could get to know him more.

But when I entered the gym, he wasn't there...

My phone buzzed.


             hey ten', what made you want to be a hero?

             it's y/n by the way

I replied quickly.


             My brother, I've always looked up to him.


            what if he were a villain, would you still admire him?


           If that is the life I grew up with, yes.






          that's the question i've been asking my whole life: why?


           So we're rescheduling training?


         yeah, sorry, some family stuff i had to tend to, maybe tomorrow


        Okay, see you later, stay safe.


        thanks, tenya.


Master always goes drinking with a very disgusting looking man, once a week.

The man always says, "Yeah, it's fine, the kid can handle being on his own," when he comes over to pick up Master. I'm pretty sure he's the kid's uncle.

The man's quirk is, as he described it, he can take away air, and gravity, from things. He is the brother of the hero Lightweight, who has telekinesis.

I'm much older than the kid he talks about, who has pyrokinesis and is named Y/N or something. I'm older by about 5 years or so. Maybe 4. 

Master told me that in the future, he's going to force the man to kill Y/N's parents, and eventually we're going to make Y/N into a villain. In the future he's going to join us.

He makes me hang out with Y/N when he's out drinking, he has someone drive me to his house.

He's not as aggravating as his uncle describes him as. He's quite nice.

I hope when we're older he'll be okay with joining me.

_words; 962

[A/N: It's been a while. How have you guys been? It's been a few months, I know. I'm sorry. But I plan on updating this and rewriting some of my other stories. Anyways, this was a draft that I added to. I'll see you real soon.

- Keith.]

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