I'll Marry You When You're Tall Enough To Kiss Me

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*third person omniscient*

Matthew was Gilbert's favourite person in the world, he was shy and cute and small. So so small.

Ever since he met the boy he immediately knew they would be best friends, and that's exactly what happened.

They met when they were both very little, three years old in fact, and they quickly started talking. They would see each other every Friday at daycare and play there. *Idk wtf happens at Daycare I never went*

Soon they started setting up play dates, and by the time they were four they saw each other everyday.

When I say Matthew was short, I mean he was really short. Several full inches shorter than normal for kids his age which meant he was much shorter than Gilbert as well.

Gilbert loved to tease him about this fact, which brings us to second grade.

Gilbert had developed a crush on Matthew, and he could tell Matthew had a crush on him too, he was confident of it.

Right now the two of them were playing at Gilbert's house after Halloween trick or treating.

They were both laughing, hopped up on sugar.

Matthew stuck his hand in his candy bag and pulled out a candy ring.

"Hey Gilly! Marry me?" he giggled, holding it up for Gilbert to see.

Gilbert laughed and patted Matthew's head. "I'll Marry you when you're tall enough to kiss me Mattie."

"Hey I'm tall enough!" Matt said, getting to his feet.

Gilbert stood up as well and let out a chuckle. "No tip toes shorty."

Matthew blushed and Gilbert smirked at the sight, setting his shoulders back and making himself as tall as possible.

Matthew got close, trying to stretch up enough to reach Gilbert's cheek without going up on his tip toes.

"Told you so," Gilbert said smugly once Matthew backed down, "Ask me again when you can reach."


And then there was the next Halloween too, almost the exact same scenario.

They were laughing and having fun when Matthew pulled a candy ring from his candy bag.

"Hey Gil! Remember when I asked you to Marry me last year?" he handed the ring to Gilbert, who raised and eyebrow and smirked.

"You tall enough to kiss me yet?"

They both stood and made themselves as tall as possible without tip toes. Matthew still too short to reach the other boy's cheek.

"No." Matthew says grudgingly.

"Well then I'm afraid you'll have to wait." Gilbert smirked.


And that's how it went, every Halloween Matthew would get a ring pop and ask Gilbert to marry him, then try to kiss his cheek, every year he would be just too short.

All the way up until they were thirteen.

"Hey, Gilbert. One more time before I move. Will you Marry me?" Matthew said, holding out the ring pop.

They were sitting on Gilbert's living room couch with bags of candy on their laps.

"Depends, you tall enough to give me a kiss yet?"

"Dunno, we'll have to see."

The two boys stood up and faced each other.

Matthew would be moving to another city tomorrow so this truly would be the last time they would do this, and Matthew wanted to make it special.

So this time they stood face to face, he leaned in close to Gilbert, and pushed himself up, as far as he could go without using his tip toes, and planted a quick kiss on Gilbert's lips.

"Guess that's a yes then! Bye Gil!" he said before grabbing his bag and skipping out of the house, leaving a stunned Gilbert behind.

*okay so I'm going to apologise for the weird formatting, I swear the rest of it won't be like that, I just can't write six or seven year old in first person pov, so it was easier to do the prologue in third. Basically this is my head cannon that Matthew was really fucking short until he was fourteen when he had a massive ass growth spurt and got taller than literally everyone, Gilbert has just missed this stage and went his entire life thinking his childhood best friend was at least a bit shorter than him.

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