
11.2K 170 263

-UK has created a group chat-

-UK has invited France-

-France has joined the group chat-

France: Oh great. Another group chat. What now, UK?

UK: Just wait and see

-UK has invited America, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia to Untitled Chat-

America: Hey dad, hey mom, sup?

Canada: Hello!

New Zealand: What's the point of this?

Australia: Dad, why's Ame here?

America: You gotta problem with that?

Australia: Whatever, dad, just tell us why the hell we're here.

-UK has renamed the group chat to The Four Mistakes-

France: Good one!

New Zealand: Dad....

Australia: ...

-Canada has left the chat-

America: you're an idiot

UK: You're saying your father is an idiot?!

-America, New Zealand, and Australia have left the chat-

UK: Do you think this was funny, France?

France: Yes, I think you were quite funny. How did you come up with it, though? It must have some art of inspiration for a joke like that!

UK: ....

UK: ....I wasn't joking...

France: ....

-France has left the chat-

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