Wednesdays plan and the first words

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I woke up to Maya crying I went into the nursery and I saw all of my kids surrounding her and whispering " what's going on?" I asked, " Maya grew black and white wings," Oli (Olivia) said "what?" I said confused I walk over to Amaya and see she did have wings I picked her up and soothed her back to sleep and her wings disappeared "poor thing she probably had a bad dream or something" I said " but what about the wings explain that" Em (Emma) said "well powers are usually activated when someone you love is in danger or when you're in trouble, in her dream, she must have thought that we were going died or we trouble" I said and they nodded and I ask " what time is it" " its 7:38 AM" said Oli "well what the point of sleeping if we are going to wake up in two hours that's enough time to get dressed and eat food then go see the horses we are going to buy" I said " yes" Em said excitedly and ran off soon the others did as well I stayed and touched the baby's head then left to get dressed ( outfit up top). after I got dressed and went to Maya's room to dress her

and we went downstairs to eat breakfast I put her in her high chair and feed her, her food which was apple and pear sauce we finish our breakfast and I did their hair and we made our way to the family car I put the baby in her car seat and went to...

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and we went downstairs to eat breakfast I put her in her high chair and feed her, her food which was apple and pear sauce we finish our breakfast and I did their hair and we made our way to the family car I put the baby in her car seat and went to the driver's seat everyone entered and I forgot my phone I went and got it then we left to the horse ranch just a few mins away called the breeze ranch to buy 32 horses for our ranch goody

~~time skip when we arrive at the ranch~~

Em saw all the horses and got super excited about it. We went to the front office and we saw a guy there " hello" I say "hello how may I help you?" He asked " we are here to buy 32 horses," I told him and he looked shocked but snapped out of it "of course follow me," he said and we did we went to a barn with lots of horses we look at all of them but only a few caught our eyes we told him the once's that we wanted and he nodded and grabbed them and took them into four trawlers. We walk to the office and pay for them we soon left to go home there were a few wild horses and a few calm once's too after we got them all we went to town and looked around when it got too dark we decided to go home, but on our way home we came upon two babies crying all alone in an alleyway four wrapped in a pink blanket and the other two in blue the five had letters but no names of the baby or their parents I look at my kids and they look at me with a nod I sigh and pick up the babies we went to our car and we drove home Alex, Alexa, and Emma were holding the babies in their arms we got back to the house and the babies were sleeping I took the letter and read it out loud

Dear finder,
I hope you take care of my children as if they were your own they are special for they have powered it brings me great pain to let them go and know that they will grow up without me
But I will let them go I hope of survival you see great darkness wants them but if that darkness gets a hand on them this world will perish please take care of my children they do not have names yet give them names worthy of a child
Thank you,
        The mother

The kids looked at the babies with sadness and awe in their eyes and immediately knew what they were thinking " well I guess we have to take care of them now" I said and they all smile brightly "mama" we heard someone say we turned to a giggly Amaya "mama" she said it again she said mama and pointed at me " yea, Amaya me Mama who is that" I asked pointing at Alex " latex" she said and we all clap and cheered we see she was sleepy so I took her to her baby room along with the new babies and a put them to sleep " goodnight Amaya, goodnight Lia, goodnight Leo, goodnight lea, goodnight Aquaria, good night ruby, goodnight Theo" I whisper as I leave I went to my room and bought more baby stuff and then stuff for a new room I check out and then I see that the stuff is arriving with my office things on Thursday tomorrow after I put my computer away I took off my shoes and went to bed.

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