Niall's POV

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I couldn't sleep well.

Megan was sleeping peacefuly on my bed. Thankfully she didn't snore, because one of Greg's girlfriends back at the other school, snored like a pig. Everytime I said that, Greg -my older brother- would punch me. And I would punch back.

My thoughts went back to the time when she said that she was an orphan. When she said it, I watched her eyes. I could see fear, sadness, love, and other... Wait! I said love... I was sure that Megan loved me...but nothing was for sure. She was a little bit taller than me, but that didn't matter because we weren't dating, and also, my family was made for leprachauns. I remember my cousin Sophie, that at seven yars she looked like four or five. I must look like nine, than, or ten. But I'm almost thirteen. I never said to anyone that I repeated the other school, and in this other school they putted me were I had finally got in my old school.

I was addicted to Megan. Her smile...everytime I saw it, I would smile to myself and close my eyes to think of her. Her long, straight, brownish hair. She made me feel welcome, not to feel like the new boy at a new big school. I felt really sorry for her, but she seemed not to mind. I was temted to ask how they died, but I thought after that that would be really rude from my side. She was only twelve, I remembered myself. Only twelve. And I was only almost thirteen. Both of us were really young, I know, but I knew clearly three things. First, that she was my best friend and always will be. Two, that whatever she will do I will never hurt her, under all circumpstances, and third, that I was totally in love with her.

I walked down the stairs. Greg was chatting with his friends by What's Up? on his iPhone 4s. When I sat next to him, he kept chatting. We have no secrets between us, and that's mostly because when our grandma died of cancer, and for pain because our granpa cheated on her, we swore not to cheat, to tell secrets and to help and support each other.

"What's up this late, mate? A boy of twelve can't be up at this time" he laughed.

"Stop Greg" I whispered. "Is only that I need you to make Megan a prank..." I told him the plan, and when I told him the final part, he covered his mouth with his face because he was almost chocking. "C'mon" I told him. "We have a prank to make" he whispered, and we laughed.

I was with Megan when she woke up. "Hey Megan. Do you have a nickname?" I asked. She blushed furiously, and I laughed softly. "I think you don't like it, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's more for...I think, for bullying me. At school, they all call me bad things and make fun of me. Even the teachers! You have to be with me at History. At least I sit with Amelie Poole, the only girl that doesn't bully me" she saw me staring. "I don't know why, she is like the bullied one also, like me." Then she started staring at me.

"Niall, when you asked me last were wrong. You can't be my friend. Its wrong. Because they all will hate you and bully you, too. We'll have to be with Amelie Poole, and she's kind of slow and stupid, and ruined your life.

Don't talk like that, I thought. Then I remembered the prank that we made for Megan. I remembered that Greg was waiting down the stairs, so I excused myself and went downstairs. Soon, when I was in the kitchen eating a cookie, I heard footsteps. They were heading to where I was, to the kitchen. I hid behind the wall, hoping that it would be Megan. When she was close enough, I jumped on her. But the only problem was that it wasn't Megan. It was my mom. She was wet because she had been drinking juice, and was angry looking at me. But my dad's laugh cheered me up. Then, Greg took me and we all hugged each other.

"Niall, we'll have to talk later. It's nothing bad" mom said to me. Nothing bad...hmm...this smelled bad. My mom always scolded me, and when she was on the hill, she would talk with me. But always when I did something wrong. But this time I'll blame the juice. I was meaning to scare Megan to death, not my mother.

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