Chapter 03

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The sky blue shape huffed as he stopped in front of them, hands on knees and breathing heavily. He was taller than Cyan but shorter than Blixer in his new form, the cube snapped his head up to them "I've been looking everywhere for you! You had me so worried!" he said, before noticing the strange pink shape standing next the blue square. He squeaked before jumping behind Cyan "W-Who is that?" the cube shakily whispered "Cube, this is Blixer. Blixer this is my friend Cube." Cyan gestured them to the other respectively, Cube looked at Blixer warily, while Blixer smiled and awkwardly waved 'What in Paradise am I doing?' "SO!" Cyan loudly exclaimed as slung his arms around the both shapes' shoulders as if they were the bestest friends, which would actually be the case between Cube and Cyan. Not so much with Blixer... "Hey, why don't we talk about this at my place huh?" the small square suggested, Cube and Blixer nodded.

As the three headed over to Cyan's house, they were stopped by the loud growling from Blixer's stomach. The pink shape flushed "Um..." Cyan smacked his forehead and groaned "Oh sweet Paradise, I'm so sorry! I forgot you were starving!" Cyan fussed, he grabbed Blixer's wrist and dragged him to the nearest place where they could eat. Cube following closely behind, looking at the corrupted shape worriedly having only realized that Blixer was extremely thin.

Upon arriving at a cafe, Blixer flinched at the sudden stares and whispers. Cyan and Cube shared a look, seating themselves at a table outside. A shape came over to take their order, although they were, quite noticably, glaring at Blixer. After giving their orders, Cyan excused himself. Leaving Cube and Blixer alone. Together.


Blixer mentally slapped himself 'Great, now you're just making it even more awkward.' Cube looked at him questioningly "Uh, yes?" 'Oh sweet Treeangle, Blixer, say something!' Blixer leaned against the table "How long have you known Cyan?" he asked, giving himself a mental pat on the back "Oh! We've known each other for a few years now. As you may know, Cyan was born from the Treeangle. I was the one who found him." Cube replied, a fond smile on his face. (A/N Have I mentioned that Cyan has already existed before this? No? Well, now you know.) Blixer frowned, dark and depressing thoughts seeping into his mind 'A few years? Wouldn't that mean he's already heard of me before? Why is he only helping me now?' once again, the memory of Mimi's deception entered his mind. Blixer felt very uncomfortable, he didn't like this. What if Cyan was tricking him like Mimi did? He flinched feeling a hand on his bicep (he somehow got muscles during his transformation) "Hey," the pink shape looked up to see Cube looking at him worriedly "you were fidgeting real badly. What's wrong?" Blixer shook his head and faked a smile "I-I'm fine...just worried." he said, Cube frowned even more but said nothing. A few minutes of awkward silence later, Cyan came with a waitress carrying a tray each "Hey, guys! Sorry it took so long!" the bright blue shape said, giving the waitress a steely side glance. Blixer and Cube shared a look at the action.

When the meal was set and the blue shapes managed to convince the pink shape that the food was not tampered with (Cyan made sure of that), they all fell into a comfortable silence. Well, as comfortable as you can get with a Treeangle-born Hero and a Corrupted shape who barely know each other dining together.

After eating, (I am doing way too many timeskips for my liking) Cyan paid for the meal despite Cube's protest and Blixer's embarrassment since the poor shape didn't have any money on him. The shapes then followed Cyan to his house in the forest. Upon arriving there Cube immediately went straight for the kitchen. Cyan giggled softly at his friend, Blixer blushed at the sound. It was like listening to a soft melody. He felt a slight churn in his gut when he realized it was Cube who caused such melody.

That's not right was his thought. He didn't know why but he didn't like the idea of Cyan smiling for another, much less laugh because of them. He began to imagine many scenes, of him and the small square. Of them together, at the beach, in a cafe, in bed-




He was snapped out of his train of thought by the sound of fingers snapping in front of his face "Huh?" Cyan smiled at him "I asked you if you wanted anything. A drink or a snack maybe?" Blixer blushed as he realized where his thoughts were going, but he shook his head. Cyan frowned, Blixer was starting to worry he might've done something wrong "Are you okay? You seem pretty out of it earlier, and your face is flushed." the blue shape placed a hand on the pink's forehead "You don't seem to have a fever though, you sure you don't want anything?" Cyan asked once more "Nah, I'm kinda still full from our meal on the way here." the pink shape replied.
Cyan nodded before heading into the kitchen as well, leaving Blixer by himself in the living room.

I'm sorry, I tried. I really did, this like only 850+ words? And it feels as if it's not going anywhere. But, I will try to get the next chapter up soon.

Also, thanks for the 160+ views and special thanks to the people who voted for this story. (Surprisingly, my story is good enough to be voted for. I am shook.) That's all for now though, bye.


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