"You're letting your grudge control you"

Her sentence caught me dead in my tracks. I looked up at her, to meet gaze with a frustrated Hanako. Her brows furrowed as she shook her head . "I dislike you, and you dislike me. I would have already lodged this syringe into your neck if we weren't allies. But why the hell would I rat you out? What good will that do for me?" She spat, a low groan emitting from her throat.

Her words pushed me aback. I remained silent, weaving together my scattered and spiteful thoughts. Am I being too paranoid ?..

"Look.. I'll do you a little favor.." she hissed. Hanako leaned forward, placing the syringe far from my reach as she wrapped her free hand around my throat. I didn't struggle , knowing it would only draw attention, and she had the upper hand. She could call staff any moment, and say I'm crazy or something. I coughed under her grasp, narrowing my crimson gaze into the most menacing glare I could manage. Well, menacing for being in a chokehold.

"Stay. Out. Of . My . Way. Go play with your little lover boy or something" She whispered, lips tipping into a sickeningly sweet smile. Her grasp on my neck tightened, reminding me of the night where our roles were reversed. Is this how she felt that day?.. no, I was much worse.

"I'm in a pinch due to the increase of security around here. It's harder to bring you party of idiots the information you oh so desperately need. Tell Shigaraki that."

My breaths were labored , and controlling the shaking emotions wracking my body was harder than expected. I remained stiff in her grasp, holding in the suffocating wish to rip her to shreds. It was almost impossible , seeing how she had more to say.

"Also, I'm not stupid. I can tell Nath's work miles away" She added, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. Her eyes glinted with a fogged emotion. I couldn't tell what, but it seemed like a reflection of something along the lines of anger and pain. "Next time, mind your own fucking business before you waltz into my turf to come around and call me a traitor"

You're lucky we're not in a fighting field.

"So do us both a favor, and mind your actions"

She finally let go of my neck, a strangled breath coming from me. I was beyond pissed, but I had to keep it together. I couldn't make a scene, not here.

"Is that understood?"


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So guess who's somewhat back from hiatus . Keyword somewhat— I'm back to working in this book ! I'm very sorry about barely updating this summer. But shit kinda went down and I was an emotional wreck these two months, and with school coming back up, I gotta take care of my self. Though ! I'm going to try my best and update at least once every two weeks, and hopefully go back to my weekly updates if I do better !

Also, on an important note:
Last chapter I had mentioned something about an event to celebrate 15k reads , which now has gone all the way up to 28k reads (thank you all so much for that ! ) and most of you wanted a contest.

Would you all be interested in something art related ? Like an art contest . If so, I'll probably post the details in a completely separate chapter .

But so far, my idea is that I'll ask you all to draw a specific character and I'll pick three winners. Of course, I will give our prizes such as oneshots and art . But that's only a concept for now.

Would you all be interested in that?

Anyways , thank you all so much for keeping up with this story ! I hope you have a wonderful week/month.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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