Chapter 6

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Puck's POV

Alright. So basically, Henry hates me. That's not an understatement, he wants to rip my guts out even when I'm not doing anything. He sees my hand on Grimm's thigh and I see the literally daggers shooting through his eyes. Pin and I share a terrified glance at each other. My eyes shoot all over the room, looking at everyone's expressions. Daphne looks chill cause she KNOWS that I'm gonna get murdered and Pin isn't getting any of Henry's wrath. Basil looks pretty chill too. I look at Grimm, then to Henry, then back to Grimm. They're having a stare off, as I continue looking back and forth between them, I realize that it looks like Grimm is winning. I look over at Veronica, she's smiling at me, she's always been okayish with me. I gently smile back, I don't want both Grimm parents trying to rip my throat out. Finally Henry speaks.

Sabrina's POV
My mom and dad walk in, of course, right when Puck and I are in this.... position. It's not even that bad, for crying out loud, daphne is literally SITTING on Pin. But dad only sees Puck touching my thigh, and decides that that's a good reason for murder. He catches my glare and he returns it. I get my famous glare from him, but mine seems to be scarier, at least that's what everyone says. After a minute or so, he gives up and starts to speak. "What the hell is going on up here?" Everyone is silent, Red decides to speak up "we're playing truth or dare". She says it very timidly and carefully. Dad stares her down, she looks like she's ready to crawl in a hole and die. I speak up so she doesn't have to deal with the stare. "It was Daphne's idea, and we're kinda having fun." His eyes burn into me, every now and then glancing down to look at puck's hand on my thigh. I can feel my face heating up, but I have to stay strong and stand up to my father. "Is there something you would like to say?" I question him. "Yes, we would like to join" mom chimes in, answering for dad. The rest of us are shocked, especially dad. He looks over at mom, she's already made up her mind. She gives him that look that says "you're doing it wether you like it or not". He surrenders and hangs his head "whatever". He mutters. "Alllllrighy then! I believe it's my turn to go?" Basil says.

"Brina, Truth or dare?" Basil asks me. "Dare, why not?" I say. Nothing can get worse than it already is. "Okie dokie then, lemme think" he looks up for a second. And then this devilish smile creeps up on his features. I haven't even seen a smile so sinister on puck's face. And that's saying something. "So, Brina, you and Puck have to make out for 2 minutes. No disconnecting. And dad can't do a thing about it. Now go."

Thank you to my wonderful fans for giving me suggestions. I really do apologize for not updating recently. I'll try to get another update today

Truth or dare (puckabrina. Obviously)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora