Tell Me What You Think I Shouldn't Do

Start from the beginning

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You don't talk to me for years, never visit once, and come striding into my house and tell me what you think I shouldn't do." My eyes darted around, looking for an escape. Nick backed away from the scene and into the house.

"Look. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit. But I was mad. Mad that you left me to deal with mom and dad, when you should have been there. You left at the worst possible time." I said, realizing my mistake once again.

"'When you should have been there?' Are you fucking blaming me for their divorce?" She screamed, grabbing a rock from the ground and throwing it at me. I ducked and the rock passed over my head. "Just leave."

"Wait, wait, I wasn't implying anything! I just needed you there. I had nobody!" I shouted back. Now my face was turning red with anger, the fury of the past few years returning. "I. Had. Nobody!"

We both stared each other down, taking short breathes. The air was filled with tension, like a tight rope. I sighed and looked down at the ground, feeling my pulse pound in my ears.

"I don't think all this anger is good for the baby." I muttered.

She snapped.

"Oh, fuck you!" She screamed, absolutely seething. She picked up more rocks and chukced them at me before storming back inside and slamming the door shut.


It had been three days since I took Emre. Three days, and I still had done nothing. Its not that I was scared or anything. No, that would stupid. But I couldn't stop thinking of Reed and the look of hatred that she gave me. It suprised me. Not that she hated me. That was perfectly reasonable. No, what suprised me was that I actually cared about what she thought of me. I never care about what people think of me.

At the Veteran's Center, people respect me, and I'm proud of that. And if they don't, then I make them. But I only do that because I'm authority. I shouldn't be insulted by my own. But in public, when people give me dirty looks and back away in fear, I couldn't give a shit. But Reed took that part of me and buried it six feet under when I'm around her. Not even Ada does that, but thats becuase she doesn't care about who I am. I was...mad that I felt that way.

Yet it intrigued me.

The feeling, the guilt, the want to make her see that its not all I am, it positvely thrilled me. I wasn't sure if it was good thing or a bad thing, but I wanted to see how far I'd go with it.

I never got to close to Emre's cage. I was interested in him. Reed cared for him, that much was obvious. And he returned the sentiment. He was strong, I can give him that. Three days with no food or water and he still kept the witty remarks coming. It's a completely different story when they aren't being said to you specifically. It was amusing when my chosen got pissed at him.

But the day Ada came to visit wasn't about Emre at all.

I was in my office as usual. The day was pretty bland. Humid, buzzing with activity, but not much else. I finished all my work for the day and was just about to leave when I got a knock at the door.

"If this isn't important, I'm going to be pissed." I shouted. I heard a giggle behind the door and it opened, reaveling a pretty pregnant woman.

"Important enough for you?" She asked, and I cracked her a rare smile.

"Always." I whispered in her ear when she gave me hug. Her bronze hair was brighter than usual and I chuckled. "So, what do I owe this pleasent suprise."

She looked away for a second, licking her lip before looking back up at me. She seemed strange. Worried.

"I have something I need to do." She said confidently.

"And what is it that you need to do?" I asked, getting a bit nervous.

"I'm not exactly sure, but I now that I have to. I don't know why. I think it might finally give me the closure I've been looking for." She said everything very fast.


"I have to leave for some time. I don't know how long."

"To where?" I asked. To be honest, I hadn't even processed anything. At all. I was confused.

"New York."

"New York? For someone who doesn't know what they have to do, you sure know what you have to do." She chuckled and nodded, taking a piece of paper out of her pocket. She handed it over and her fingers brushed over mine for a brief second.

I unwrapped the piece of paper and read what appeared to be an address.

78 Warran Street, New York, NY 10007

"Where did you get this?"

"It's kinda hard to explain..." She trailed off, looking uncertainy at me.

"Try me." She sighed and look down at her hands, considering her options.

"Fine. Fine. I had a dream about...well, it wasn't really about the ship, but it was at the same time. There was a figure guiding me through the halls, taking me past rooms I never saw on the ship. We reached a room and inside was what looked like a vault door. The room was filled with this feeling of electricity and then...then the Frontier showed up and broke into it. I woke up before I could see what was inside, but I felt something go into me hand. I woke up with the paper in my hand." She took a long breath after talking for literally a minute straight without a break. I stared mindlessly at the door behind her, taking it all in.

"I know, it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me." She whispered.

I nodded, not really knowing what I was nodding to.

"Good." She said. "I'll see you at home. You can tell me what you think I shouldn't do then. Okay?"

I nodded again and she left me with more questions than I had when I realized that she was pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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