“I see you’re able to talk now.” The other guy finally spoke. He stepped closer to the bed. “That means you can answer a couple questions for me.”

I nodded.

“Who are you and what were you doing in my forest?” His voice sounded harsh. In his forest, I’ve never heard anyone being so possessive of their land.

“My name is Kiara and I have no idea, how I got in that forest.”

“Do you know who attacked you and why?” He took a step closer to the bed.

I tried to remember, what happened.

“I was out jogging.” It was a quiet track near the forest, my brother and I used to go there all the time. “I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a howl, so I stopped for a second and suddenly someone tackled me.” It came out of nowhere. “I remember being dragged deeper into the forest. I tried to get rid of it. I screamed for help, but no one came. I wanted it to stop and let go of me, but it was too strong and fast.” Quiet sobs came out of me and the panic inside me was rising again. “I felt pain and after that everything went black.”

“It’s alright now. We won’t hurt you.” Trey said holding my arm and calming me down.

“Derek, I think it’s enough. She’s been through a lot. We should let her rest.” Trey said angrily to the other guy, who I assumed was Derek. Wait, Derek. That name sounds familiar. He was the man, who was supposed to decide, what to do with me.

“I’ll decide when it’s enough. Trey, you can wait outside, if you want to.”

“Kiara, do you have any idea, why anyone would want to harm you?” Derek asked seriously.

“No, not that I think of.” I knew that my father has lots of power and money, but I didn’t want to get him involved in all that. No need for anyone going to my father asking for ransom or something like that.


“Why am I here? Who are you? Where am I?” These are only a few of the questions I had in my mind. My head was starting to explode from all this confusion and unknowingness. “Let me call my friends, so they can come and get me.”

“Just know that at the moment your safe here with us and until we know more about your attack you’re not going anywhere. So make yourself at home.” Saying nothing else, Derek turned around and left the room.

“No, but wait! I don’t want to stay here! I don’t even know you!” I shouted, but my voice sounded quite pathetic.

“Listen. I will give you answers, but first you need to rest, if you need anything call me. Okay.” Trey said and smiled at me.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I asked slightly embarrassed.

“It’s right here.” He pointed to a door in the corner of the room. “Do you need any help to get up?”

I nodded.

He put an arm around me and started lifting me upward. I gave away a slight moan, because of the pain.

“Sorry, it might hurt a little. You got some pretty bad injuries. I’ll try to be gentle.”

“It’s okay.”

He slowly walked me to the bathroom.

“You gonna be alright in here?”

“Yes, I’ll manage. Thank you.”

He closed the door and left me alone in the bathroom. I looked ahead and saw my reflection from the mirror. I looked like I jumped out of a scary movie. My skin was pale, eyes swollen. I had several cuts and bruises on my arms and face. My clothes were dirty and ragged. My hair was a big mess. Overall, I looked as horrible as I felt.

As soon as I opened the door, Trey rushed over to help me back to the bed. He was being surprisingly gentle and helpful. I think we would be great friends, under different circumstances. It would be way too weird to befriend my abductors.

He tucked me in and said: “I’m gonna bring you another glass of water. You should keep yourself hydrated, it’s good for your healing.”

“Thank you, Trey.” He looked at me, surprised by the fact I used his name, and gave me another one of his warm, friendly smiles.

“No worries.”

He took the water glass and left. To be honest I felt exhausted, although all I‘ve been doing is sleeping. I guess my body was still recovering from all the injuries, so as soon as Trey left the room I closed my eyes and dozed off.


Hello again,

It's been a while, I know. I've had a crazy schedule, so haven't had time to focus on writing. I will try to start writing more regularly now. Hopefully it will work out :)

I do have a small request for you. I've been going back and forth with the main female character's name. I can't decide, if it should be Kiara or Raina. What do you think? 

This chapter has not been edited.

Let me know, what you think. You're welcome to send me your ideas for the cover and cast.

I discovered another amazing song, it reminds of summer, very chilled tune. Feel free to check it out ;)



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