(Time skip to when they get to the U.A. Dorms brought to your lazy author-san)

(Dabi P.O.V)

 Toga and I were walking behind Aizawa. I was still carrying Deku which I loved. "He is so cute". " Um going to have to tell him, maybe when he wakes up." "I was so happy Deku lost." (Whenever they bet something Dabi would always puck something pervy like this). We were walking into this huge building with the sign 1-A on the front of it. Aizawa then tells us that. "You will get the top floor all to your self's you will have a kitchen, common area, bathrooms with showers, and all three rooms will be right side by side from each other. You can decorate any way you like. I will come back in 20 min for the list of supply's that you want." "YAY WE GET TO DECORATE," Toga said while jumping up and down and screaming. Thanks to her Deku jolted up and punched me right in the face at a reaction.

Then toga joined in and jumped in which ended in Aizawa having to hold Toga who was holding some knives she snagged and I was holding Deku back who also snagged some knives. I told him to calm down and that he was fine. He slowly calmed now and flipped me and Toga off and walked down the hall to the last room and claimed it as his and slammed the door shut.

(Third person P.O.V)

Aizawa left like he said he would and Dabi and Toga went to there rooms. Dabi was in the middle of Deku and Toga. Once Aizawa was back he told them all to come out of there rooms. When all three did he told them the rules
"NO killing"
"Don't hurt your classmates"
"Be nice"
"Be respectful"

Were the rules for now. Each gave him a list of the decorations that wanted. Togas List
Fake blood
Black paint
Red paint
Body bags
Red curtain
Black bed sheets

Dabi's list
Blue purple dark blue-black and white paint
Black curtains
Black bed sheets

Deku's list
Fake blood
Red, dark red, black, green, and white paint
Black bed sheets
Blackout curtain

Aizawa looked over the list and left. 20 minutes later he returned with the supplies. He then told them " The students are currently on a break and will be back tomorrow." You will also be attending classes tomorrow. All he got in response was groans. They then grabbed what they requested but Toga and Deku both noticed that they got plastic knives. After 3 hours of painting and decorating, they got a call from Shigaraki asking where they were. They told him that let got captured and have been put into a rehabilitation program at U.A.

Like they thought they have to stay there for a while before they come and get them.

(Deku P.O.V)

I was currently in my room painting my room. The walls were going to be a dark green and the ceiling was going to be black. I then took the fake blood out and started splattering it ever were to make it look like a blood bath and I use the different red paint to make it look more realistic. Once everything was painted a dried I took some of the plastic knives and glued them to the wall to make it look like they were stabbed into the wall.

I then took the red white and green paint to make a galaxy looking seen on the ceiling. I then put my bed in the middle of the room with its black sheets and pillows. My desk was in the corner of my room. I had also decided to paint that black with the white to make it look like stares.

I walked out of my room and knocked on Dabi's door. He walked out of the room and asked me what was up. I said "I think we should have a contest to see who has a better room out of the two of us, we should get Toga to join us and she can be judged. He smiled and said sure why not but I'm going to win. "yeah right Is say". We walked over to Toga's room and knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting, I heard shuffling from the other side of the door and the thump of her running towards the door and opening it. Toga opens the door and looks at me and Dabi. 

(Third Person P.O.V)

IZU-KUN~. Toga screamed out, making both boy's eardrums bleed. Hey, Toga we need you to decide whose room is better, mine or Dabi's. OK, ~ Toga says. We will do Dabi's first. Deku said. They walk up to Dabi's room and look inside, the walls were black with different shades of blue fire painted on the walls like Dabi's fire. With a black bed in the corner of the room with a black desk on the other corner of the room. (So I don't even know what point of view this even is anymore so just roll with pls.)
Wow, Dabi that's pretty emo of you. Deku said. Dabi turned and looked at Deku with a face saying "WHAT the fuck you say" and tackles him to the ground. YAY FUN I WANT TO JOIN TO~ Toga said while jumping on them with a knife she got out of nowhere were, in reality, she was hiding it in her sweater. Mr. Aizawa had just walked into the just staring at them rolling on the floor screaming and kicking and punching. He had to stop once he saw the knife in Toga's hand thought before she stabbed someone. "He what the hell you think you're doing with a knife" Mr. Aizawa yelled.

He ended up having to hold back Toga with his scarf and Dabi had to hold Deku back who was ready to kill Toga for cutting him with the knife while she was giggling like a mad man. "Go to your rooms and stay there till morning". Mr. Aizawa said. Of course, they didn't listen and ended up staying in Dabi's room.

(Deku P.O.V)

"Hey Deku." "What is it Dabi? Remember that bet we made well I will have it waiting in your room waiting for you."
OHWOO~ Toga hummed. "So what does he have to do for the bet," Toga asked. You'll see it tomorrow. OK, Toga said. Let's watch a movie. Ok, Dabi said. So we went to the common room and sat on the couch and put on some horror movie. Dabi sat in the middle of me and Toga. I started to fall asleep so Dabi pulled me to lay in his lap and I slowly let the warmth of the darkness consume me and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

(Dabi P.O.V)

"God he is just so cute". After the movie Toga went to her room and went to bed for the night. I picked up Deku bridle style and carried him to his room. I have to say I like the dark green with the blood and knives. I set him on his bed and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist and asked me to stay with him. So I went back to my room got changed real quick into a pair of sweat pants that I happen to have on me when that captured us and went back to Deku's room and got into the bed with him.

I wrapped him in my arms and pulled him close to my chest and slowly let the darkness consume me and fell into a dreamless sleep.

(Deku P.O.V)

The next morning I woke up to strong arms holding me and I looked up to see Dabi holding me. Then I remember I had asked him to stay with me last night when he brought me to my room. I slowly got up to hear the sound of Mr.Aizawa yelling at me to get up from the other side of the door. I woke Dabi up and told him Mr.Aizawa was telling us to get ready for school classes. Dabi walked out the door and went to his room and I had to get into the school uniform.

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