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Toxic friends doesn't always mean them treating you badly, but their energy themselves. The toxicity in their lives that rubs on to you eventually. If someone is constantly complaining about their lives to you, and you feed in to that negativity, it only attracts that into your life. Venting and complaining are two different things. Venting is a release of emotion, letting go and basically just saying the situation for how it is. But at the end finding a positive solution and feeling good for being able to release what was bottled up. After complaining you still feel like shit, that's the difference between the two. Toxic friends doesn't always mean you two being toxic towards each other, but how do they see life? What is their outlook on things? What is their love for themselves? Don't be in a standstill in life because of someone else. Don't give your energy to negativity. Of course everyone deserves love, but they don't deserve love from you. They deserve it from themselves. Let go of toxicity. You don't even have to so called "drop them" or have bad blood between them, but lose all connection. Its ok to speak to them time from time but you are not obligated to help them with their problems. Its ok to grow out of someone regardless of how much history you have with each other. Regardless if they think you "switched up" because the thing is you did. Ask yourself "Do I want this friendship more than I want to achieve my goals as a person" if the answer is yes, I'm not talking to you and need more value to yourself. If you are afraid of being alone so you stick with your toxic friends, the truth is you already alone. You will die alone not in the sense of people being around you, but spiritually you ascend alone. You being alone and happy attracts people that are on the same frequency as you. Choose to be alone and happy, rather to be around people that make you feel like shit. Because either way you're alone.

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